ARGH! Buncha damn hotties in here! So, I'm 5'5", weigh 103 lbs (can't gain a *(^% pound to save myself), and I pretty much have a build of a crack whore. Lovely, isn't it? *HURL* Hair blonde, shoulder length, grey eyes, and pretty much a trophy wife.
MrsCop wrote:ARGH! Buncha damn hotties in here! So, I'm 5'5", weigh 103 lbs (can't gain a *(^% pound to save myself), and I pretty much have a build of a crack whore. Lovely, isn't it? *HURL* Hair blonde, shoulder length, grey eyes, and pretty much a trophy wife.
Yeah. Wish I could symathize with the can't gain a pound thing. I'll be more than happy to share!
Oh, grey eyes can be pretty darn cool! I wanna seeeeee!
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)
You're so kind! I'll have to work on getting a pic up in here. However, everything I do has to go through the 'law' first. He's not too crazy about me, what he calls "showing myself off," but I'll give it a go!
MrsCop wrote:ARGH! Buncha damn hotties in here! So, I'm 5'5", weigh 103 lbs (can't gain a *(^% pound to save myself), and I pretty much have a build of a crack whore. Lovely, isn't it? *HURL* Hair blonde, shoulder length, grey eyes, and pretty much a trophy wife.
Oh yeah, I'm more than willing to give you a couple of my pounds too. Lets just say I went to the doctors the other day and had to weigh in...and it wasn't pretty. And this is BEFORE the holliday weight gain.
MrsCop wrote:Yep, that's me, I'm a walking freak It'd be so nice to have a curve besides a freakin smile
Aww, don't say that. I would never consider you a freak for an offense as light as that.
I'm sorta the same way. Sure, I'll gain a pound or two every once-in-a-while, but I eat constantly...which I understand isn't fair with my speedy metabolism. My weight stays relatively the same.
I'm dreading the day it catches up with me.
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
Thank you, I believe they are beautiful. As for the outfits, I thought it would be cute if they were dressed alike. I didn't know at the time that the background would also have the same colors. These little girls are cousins, and they are pretty competitive when they are together.
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth