[04:37] <Noava22> ok so, park. archetype was there, apparently was there before me
[04:37] * Chessboard except archetype.
[04:37] <Noava22> i got there, had to figure out my camera cuz, well
[04:37] <Noava22> its not mine
[04:37] <Noava22> which reminds me, i need to go get it
[04:37] <Noava22> its still in my car
[04:37] <Noava22> anyways
[04:37] <Noava22> so im unfamiliar with the park, so i walk the perimeter of a building, no payphone
[04:37] <Noava22> finally i spot the payphone across the playground area...i go over there
[04:37] <Noava22> nothing
[04:38] <Noava22> i call ix, and then i see a person approaching me...hang up on ix
[04:38] <Noava22> to find out that its archetype
[04:38] <Noava22> we talk
[04:38] <Noava22> and then we start walking away from the phone, looking for other clues
[04:39] <Noava22> we hear an unusual whistle, which, to me...seemed like it came from this elderly asian couple
[04:39] <Noava22> both arch and i tried to talk to them but they completely ignored our existence
[04:39] <Noava22> and they were...seemingly out of place
[04:39] <Noava22> we saw a jogger and a lady with her dog...not inconceivable that they'd be in a park at night
[04:39] <Noava22> lol
[04:40] <Noava22> anyways we looked around...looked around...found some random clothes
[04:40] <Noava22> nothing important
[04:40] <ixlr8> clothes?
[04:40] <Noava22> yeah
[04:40] <Noava22> nothing important
[04:40] <ixlr8> what were they?
[04:40] <archetype> everything looks like a clue in the field
[04:40] <Noava22> just random stuff left on the soccer field
[04:40] <Noava22> yah
[04:40] <ixlr8> everything is important noa
[04:40] * Cu_Roi nods
[04:40] <Noava22> nah
[04:40] * Chessboard glares at ix and Cu
[04:40] <Noava22> not this
[04:40] <Noava22> they were wet
[04:40] <Noava22> they'd been there awhile
[04:41] <Noava22> anyways
[04:41] <archetype> there was a soccer ball and some soccer jackets.. (remember Rose HIlls, dead end)
[04:41] <Noava22> lol
[04:41] <Noava22> yeah
[04:41] <Noava22> anyways
[04:41] <Noava22> we walked back towards the front of the park...towards the first building i saw
[04:42] <Noava22> kicked around a plastic butterfly
[04:42] <Noava22> and then we heard the phone ring
[04:42] <Noava22> ironically, by the time the phone had rang, arch and i were the only people left in the park
[04:42] <Noava22> anyways
[04:42] <Noava22> we ran to the payphone
[04:42] <Noava22> i picked up the phone
[04:42] <Noava22> aaaaaaand
[04:42] <Noava22> ...
[04:42] <NillaWafers> You can't tell us
[04:42] <Noava22> i cant talk about the first conversation
[04:42] <Chessboard> You're not allowed to tell us this part.
[04:42] <Noava22> yeah
[04:42] *** Chessboard sets mode -v on NillaWafers
[04:43] <archetype> i let noava take it, he deserves it, he's more dedicated

[04:43] <Noava22> lol
[04:43] *** Chessboard sets mode -v on ^Minty^
[04:43] <Noava22> idunno, i was closer. i didnt think it was an issue of deservedness
[04:43] <Noava22> lol
[04:43] <archetype> they talked FOREVER!!! I was really bored.. took a nap..
[04:46] <Noava22> ok
[04:46] <Noava22> so
[04:46] *** cilantro_napping is now known as cilantro
[04:46] <Noava22> first conversation i cant really talk about
[04:46] <Noava22> ummmm
[04:46] <Noava22> what i can say about it
[04:46] <archetype> shifty's little link has OpAphid saying it's ok to share, but that conflicts.. so wait till it's confirmed.. Op, post it on YT please..
[04:46] <Noava22> is that it doesnt involve cassie or bree
[04:47] <Noava22> according to the first caller
[04:47] <NillaWafers> It isn't canon then?
[04:47] <Noava22> im not saying that
[04:47] <NillaWafers> Ok.
[04:47] <Noava22> i don't know WHAT its abut
[04:47] <Noava22> about*
[04:47] <Noava22> but i asked if it involved those two people
[04:47] <Noava22> and that was denied
[04:47] <ixlr8> did you ask about daniel?
[04:47] <Noava22> no
[04:48] <Noava22> doubt its about daniel though
[04:48] <Chessboard> So then...
[04:48] <khjqueen> Did you ask about Lucy?
[04:48] <^Minty^> go on...
[04:48] <Luv2LuvEm> omg
[04:48] * Chessboard bangs head
[04:48] <Noava22> negative. slipped my mind.
[04:48] <Noava22> anyways
[04:48] <Noava22> second convo
[04:48] <Noava22> was immediately following the first
[04:48] <Noava22> it was a recording from aphid
[04:48] <NillaWafers> mmhmm
[04:48] <Chessboard> Shush
[04:48] <Noava22> said that basically i had chosen sides
[04:49] <Chessboard> ...
[04:49] <Noava22> and if i had an ounce of intelligence that i'd reconsider my position
[04:49] <^Minty^> what!
[04:50] <Noava22> and it got fuzzy, but it said something about me not needing to worry about stuff later if i continue on the path i'm on, because i'd have more time to do stuff for myself...like pray
[04:51] <Noava22> and then the message ended
[04:51] <Noava22> end of story
[04:51] <Chessboard> WTF, mate?
[04:51] <Shifty_J> Interesting.
[04:51] <^Minty^> wow
[04:52] <Noava22> well
[04:52] <ixlr8> when did you find the drop?
[04:52] <Chessboard> No one's all that worked up, steave.
[04:53] <Noava22> i can tell you what they are i guess
[04:53] * acidfingers is totally not calm
[04:53] <NillaWafers> Yup
[04:53] <Chessboard> Do.
[04:53] <Noava22> a sd memory card and a postcard
Details still emerging, but thats the jest of it.