cimaruta wrote:echinoderm immediately brings to mind starfish, for me. I knew a lot of pagans back in the day who used dried starfishes on their altars instead of pentacles.
Sand dollars, another echinoderm, are part of a Christian-themed legend (along the lines of the dogwood tree.) For one thing, when a sand dollar is broken open, little bone-like pieces fall out that look like doves.
Sea cucumbers can squirt their internal organs from their bodies as a defense mechanism, survive, and regenerate the organs.
A starfish can be cut into dozens of pieces, and as long as each part includes a portion of the stomach, each piece will regrow into an individual starfish.
just a few things for you guys to think about. I need a quick nap.
the t-shirt most mean something.
Maybe it belongs to daniels friend. Maybe the clothes he's packing is lawndary, and he is barrowing he's friends shirt...
but.... not important... as said before, Daniel is adorable!
Sami wrote:the t-shirt most mean something.
Maybe it belongs to daniels friend. Maybe the clothes he's packing is lawndary, and he is barrowing he's friends shirt...
but.... not important... as said before, Daniel is adorable!
Daniel is adorable, but I don't think the T-shirt means anything except that is just what he happened to be wearing.
me either!, i wouldnt even inject my dog with something the vet told me was good for him without checking it out 1st
You (all of the above and probably more) are thinking as you... Not them. Is it really that hard to believe that maybe they are just following orders? I mean, i think we can get historical here and think of a lot of people who have done a lot of stupid s**t because they were told to.
I also have noticed I have been given the title "Susp. absent". That makes me laugh, for I know I haven't posted alot, but I have been reading these forums since the beginning. I have only just now started posting for the simple fact that all my theories were discussed before I had time to log in.
I was also afraid to post, as I am new to these types of things, and not to long ago managed to catch a very nasty virus from this forum.
omegawoman wrote:
I was also afraid to post, as I am new to these types of things, and not to long ago managed to catch a very nasty virus from this forum.
I am very sorry to hear that. I and the mod staff have been working very hard lately to keep ahead of the spam bots and porn posters. It is my hope that you need never have to worry about such things here again.
omegawoman wrote:
I was also afraid to post, as I am new to these types of things, and not to long ago managed to catch a very nasty virus from this forum.
I am very sorry to hear that. I and the mod staff have been working very hard lately to keep ahead of the spam bots and porn posters. It is my hope that you need never have to worry about such things here again.
Have fun.
Right...and the titles are just a fun way to note people by their # of while you've been here a long time, you've been suspiciously absent from posting. Twj posted the titles by postings in the Suggestions forum.
1) I'm glad that they are being so cute again!! (Even though you'd think Daniel would have been more excited that she was there?)
2) Why do they have to wear hats when they are being sneaky?
who cares about why they're wearing the hat. i thought bree looked really cute in that outfit.
SharpI wrote:Hi omegawoman. Sorry to hear about your virus. I share your tag of "Suspiciously absent" but don't worry, it's just a phase we're going through!
Man am I glad to hear that my voice has been acting really strange getting deeper with every post. Can't wait to be out of forum puberty.
Mirage wrote:I just really don't understand Bree (or Daniel's) reasoning that her parents need to know everything (well except for the breaking in part)....if Daniel knows that Bree's father is injecting her with some unknown substance, doesn't he get the idea that maybe her parents dont have the same intentions as he does?
I think that he might have a bigger target on his back if the Order thinks that he's influenced Bree to drop the whole thing.
I can understand where Bree is coming from. She's pretty much been brainwashed her whole life, was very secluded before Daniel, and doesn't know much about the outside world. She must be pretty close and trusting of her parents if that's the case, and she has no reason to think that they are bad people at this point.
SharpI wrote:Hi omegawoman. Sorry to hear about your virus. I share your tag of "Suspiciously absent" but don't worry, it's just a phase we're going through!
Man am I glad to hear that my voice has been acting really strange getting deeper with every post. Can't wait to be out of forum puberty.
I guess we all have to grow up sometimes!!!
As for the virus, it wiped me out, but since my husband is a computer tech, nerd geek from hell, he was able to rebuild for me.
I am just a 40 year old housewife that got caught up in all this, but I enjoy being here. Thanx all for the warm welcome.