0057 I Listened To Daniel [10/24/06]

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Post by iamcool »

chanda wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:
MeNotYou wrote: REally? I sure don't.
Yeah me either!
me either!, i wouldnt even inject my dog with something the vet told me was good for him without checking it out 1st
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Post by wintermute »

iamcool wrote:me either!, i wouldnt even inject my dog with something the vet told me was good for him without checking it out 1st
I won't let anyone come near me with a needle unless I not only know what it is, but have also been convinced that I need it.

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Post by chanda »

Broken Kid wrote:Good points about Bree lying... and does anyone else feel that the change in heart about Bree's faith is a little too ... quick and convenient? I mean, yeah, there are pictures of Daniel, which he discovered by breaking the law. But that could probably be explained. She hasn't seen or experienced anything that's overtly dangerous or hurtful, and nothing has happened to her or Daniel yet. At first, I thought it was just them pushing the story along or perhaps a testament to Daniel's powers of persuasion, but when considering that Bree could still be lying, it raises some more nefarious possibilities.
She has had bad experiences. Her dad is giving her shots and they aren't telling her what they are or what they are for. That's kinda creepy.
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Post by Reb »

ok I have just got back from university and done some research on the echinoderm tag. What I have found really doesn't make much sense.

First I looked it up in the dictionary and that said

"any marine animal of the invertebrate phylum Echinodermata, having a radiating arrangement of parts and a body wall stiffened by calcareous pieces that may protrude as spines and including the starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc."

then I found this http://www.emedicine.com/emerg/topic158.htm which talks about the problems that can arise from a sting from one of these creatures.

however following and extensive seach on both pubmed and diologue I have been unable to find any particular medical applications of these creatures which is slightly disapointing.

I have no idea what any of this means anyone got any ideas?
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Post by Kasdeja »

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Post by seige56 »

Although I would really hate to think that our innocent little Bree could be so nefarious, I'm keeping an open mind about the "Bree is luring Daniel in" theory. It would certainly be an interesting plot twist...

As for the tag "echinoderm"... Reb, your last post made me wonder if the shots may be some mild form of poison to help Bree's body build an immunity? Such as in some of the snake-handling churches (sp?) where some of the followers drink a brew laced with snake venom so that a bite during a service won't kill them.
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Post by rachelalexis »

Kasdeja wrote:sees the penguin love avatar and hides
*sputtercoughsputter* no sir, I didn't see any penguins around here, no way no how.
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Post by cbowen4 »

chanda wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:
MeNotYou wrote: REally? I sure don't.
Yeah me either!
A 1998 article in Pediatrics lists 172 children who died betwen 1975 and 1995 due to medical treatment being withheld because of religious beliefs. That's not the same as a religion telling them to do something either harmful or secret, but clearly religious belief can lead to harm in some cases.
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Post by Kasdeja »

That's still a pretty small amount for 20 years. And I'm sure it isn't all Christian, I mean look at Scientology now. But that wasn't the point...the point was...That's an awfully small amount. So, I've never known anyone like that. Most people probably don't.
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Post by Reb »

Kasdeja wrote:sees the penguin love avatar and hides
Indeed :D
seige56 wrote: As for the tag "echinoderm"... Reb, your last post made me wonder if the shots may be some mild form of poison to help Bree's body build an immunity? Such as in some of the snake-handling churches (sp?) where some of the followers drink a brew laced with snake venom so that a bite during a service won't kill them."
That is an interesting one actually hadn't thought about that, injecting small amounts could tollerise her immune system to the effects of a full blown reaction to the toxin. However she would still respond to the toxin if she was jap while handling the creatures. Plus even more strange what would she be doing with them :?
Last edited by Reb on Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Kasdeja wrote:That's still a pretty small amount for 20 years. And I'm sure it isn't all Christian, I mean look at Scientology now. But that wasn't the point...the point was...That's an awfully small amount. So, I've never known anyone like that. Most people probably don't.
I think that's a good point. Withholding medicine or supplying "alternative" medicines could be linked to faith and are unusual but sometimes done. I don't think Bree questioned (at least to us) the shots and exercises and diet and such before very recently...seems odd to me.
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Post by seige56 »

Reb wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:sees the penguin love avatar and hides
Indeed :D
seige56 wrote: As for the tag "echinoderm"... Reb, your last post made me wonder if the shots may be some mild form of poison to help Bree's body build an immunity? Such as in some of the snake-handling churches (sp?) where some of the followers drink a brew laced with snake venom so that a bite during a service won't kill them."
That is an interesting one actually hadn't thought about that, injecting small amounts could tollerise her immune system to the effects of a full blown reaction to the toxin. However she would still respond to the toxin if she was jap while handling the creatures. Plus even more strange what would she be doing with them :?
In all the research I've been doing about her possible religion, I have found many references to snakes, snake-gods, etc in Egyptian lore. Maybe it's possible she would be sacrificed/sacrificing to such a deity at the ceremony?

Hmmm... (skips off to Google-ify)
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Post by SharpI »

Re: Bree's shots and "echinoderm." One of the (many) medical products from echinoderms is fucoidan, an anticoagulant. Couple of us are spinning the theory that the shots are blood thinner, to make sure Bree doesn't get all clotty during the ceremony :shock: Ties in well with the iron pills and her expected post-ceremony weakness. An interesting theory based admittedly mostly on air.
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Post by Reb »

seige56 wrote:
In all the research I've been doing about her possible religion, I have found many references to snakes, snake-gods, etc in Egyptian lore. Maybe it's possible she would be sacrificed/sacrificing to such a deity at the ceremony?

Hmmm... (skips off to Google-ify)
Could be but these things are urchins or starfish which would be quite a strange sacrifice to make
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Post by cimaruta »

echinoderm immediately brings to mind starfish, for me. I knew a lot of pagans back in the day who used dried starfishes on their altars instead of pentacles.

Sand dollars, another echinoderm, are part of a Christian-themed legend (along the lines of the dogwood tree.) For one thing, when a sand dollar is broken open, little bone-like pieces fall out that look like doves.

Sea cucumbers can squirt their internal organs from their bodies as a defense mechanism, survive, and regenerate the organs.

A starfish can be cut into dozens of pieces, and as long as each part includes a portion of the stomach, each piece will regrow into an individual starfish.

just a few things for you guys to think about. I need a quick nap.

Edit: I forgot to mention how much all of this reminds me of Agrippa's pentagram. Echinoderm's have fivefold radial symmetry as a common feature.
Last edited by cimaruta on Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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