Who wants Gemma to be canon?

Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Do you want Gemmers19 to be canon

Poll ended at Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:32 pm

YES PLEASE! Bree and Daniel are more stale then an old bag of potato chips.
No thanks. The story doesn't need another character.
Total votes: 51

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Post by Inigo »

Ok. a New Bree video is up and still no official acknowledgement.

I'm starting to think somehow Jackie/Gemma is not official, despite all the evidence that points the other way. Why? because neither Bree nor the website has mentioned her officialy.

I hope I'm wrong
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Post by HyeMew »

I reallllly hope Gemma is NOT canon. I am not opposed to a new friend showing up via youtube, but just not Gemma. Also I don't really like how Gemma introduced herself "hi, I just discovered youtube and omg I just happened to come across lonelygirl and it just so happens that I knew her and it just so happens that it was MY dog that Bree befriended, which of course is something she noticed buried back in one of her videos from months ago." It's a little too forced. I prefer nuiance. And also someone that doesn't have to poorly fake a British accent throughout her videos.
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Post by Inigo »

I dont think her accent is fake, because the actress IS from the UK (its says so in her myspace account) or at least some commonwealth country where they speak english

She aso has a very british look. not many american girls look like that
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Post by iamcool »

Inigo wrote:I dont think her accent is fake, because the actress IS from the UK (its says so in her myspace account) or at least some commonwealth country where they speak english

She aso has a very british look. not many american girls look like that
nah its defo a fake british accent, no1 speaks like that here anymore!
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Post by Inigo »

I guess you may be right. When I first heard her I thought it was more like an australian accent

But then how do you explain the fact that Jackie the girl who plays her is from the UK.

By the way iamcool, that avatar is hilarious
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Post by quikstrike98 »

I'm thinking more Kiwi.
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Post by iamcool »

Inigo wrote:I guess you may be right. When I first heard her I thought it was more like an australian accent

But then how do you explain the fact that Jackie the girl who plays her is from the UK.

By the way iamcool, that avatar is hilarious
she has on her myspace she is from the uk, but there a comments saying are you coming out tonight and yesterday was great and stuff like that but the ppl who are leaving the comments are from america :shock: so i have no idea where she lives
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Post by Kasdeja »

Inigo wrote:not many american girls look like that
I'm sorry, that has me laughing. You realize there is no stereotypical "American" look, being as we are a nation of immigrants from all over the world, yes?
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Post by Inigo »

I cant quite explain but I when I think of american girls I think more along the lines of certain types... Blond and stuff. British girls on the other hand look a lot more like gemma in my eyes.
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Post by Kasdeja »

LMAO...o.k....not exactly a correct picture, there, but o.k...
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Post by Inigo »

OK, whatever it doesn't matter.

Is there any way to contact the creators and ask them about Gemma?
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Post by Kasdeja »

Good question...
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Post by Inigo »

I propose we write them a letter asking about her. Someone here must know their e mail address
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Post by Kasdeja »

Probably one of the Admin could help, dunno.
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Post by Sfonzarelli »

HyeMew wrote:it just so happens that it was MY dog that Bree befriended, which of course is something she noticed buried back in one of her videos from months ago."
Except she never mentioned that Bree said anything about a dog. She just mentioned that maybe Bree would recognize her dog.
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