Could Bree be an alien or some other type of creature?

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Post by Hiram »


It`s just a bad dream, Alice. You can go back to sleep now.
Me, i`m going to go off with my Fairy Prince back to the Wake World
AC wrote about. :smt059
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Me and my key...same as it ever was.
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Post by Hiram »

No need to frown, it`s not that bad really.

Hoping Taig won`t mind me posting this url :roll:
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Oh I'm really very sorry to have to expose you to this..but maybe one of us can help these poor people. They seem to have misunderstood a few concepts.
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Post by Hiram »

Ah, I See you like looking at weird porn, lol.

So my question is; where in the heck did you conjure this up?

Were you researching Tinfoil hats for protection against conspiratorial frequencies?

"The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies, continual
growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience.
To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal." - Aleister Crowley
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Hiram wrote:Ah, I See you like looking at weird porn, lol.

So my question is; where in the heck did you conjure this up?
:smt018 Porn? This is all in the name of research, I assure you. I would never come across anything so depraved on my own. I blame Taig, Milo, CG and Apo. It seems that ever since I "met" these lunatics I've taken scalding hot showers at least twice daily and have found myself at the bottom of some rather pricey bottles of tequilla more than a few times as well...attempting to erase any memory of the horrors they have exposed me to. It only gets worse somehow.
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Post by Hiram »


Ya, they seem like a really scary bunch. Perhaps they are some kind of Qlipothic transdimensional entities bent on wreaking havoc and terror in the Breeni-verse!
Beware of those denizens of Chaos and disorder!

:smt026 :smt120 :smt119 :smt074

WARNING! This is the 666th Post in this Thread.

Hey! what are ya looking at. That`s just mini me. My alter ego.

Last edited by Hiram on Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Marbella »

I just had to do the 667th comment here, to save everyone from bad luck!!

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Post by Hiram »

Damn you!!! :)

One of my favorite poems is called "The Wild Ass" by Alys Cusak (aka) Aleister Crowley.

Here are a few snippets from that poem:

Faintly and feebly murmuring
I uttered the mysterious runes,
And bade my body's sleekness sing
Silky, satanic, subtle tunes.

Was he not holy? Milk of moons
Were not so pallid as his cheek,
And roses of a million Junes
His mouth left livid. So I seek

In all God's seas a tiny creek
Wherein to moor my shallop. Nay!
He is a mountain, chill with bleak
Stark winds of innocence astray!

The fearful passion sweeps me away.
So with a passionate thrill of fear
I creep --- like shadows across Day!
Like Winter on the expended year! --

From those cold feet, a frozen meer,
To those cold knees, a lost lagoon,
To that wild woodland, strangely near
To the lone tower that tops the moon!

Verily and Amen! Unhewn
The great grim forest menaces.
What gardener may dare to prune
Those woods to build me palaces?

I held him holy. Holier both
Than aught the bearers of the bier,
Thoum-aesh-neith and Auramoth,
Saw in the hiding-house of fear.

The sorceries that span the sphere,
The spells that harness star and sun,
I whispered in his siren ear ---
Once, twice, and thrice for every one!

Once, twice, and thrice --- the boon's begun!
With four and five and six it stirs:
With seven the druid dance is done,
And Death drives home his silver spurs!

Then --- the last leap. What crowning curse
Can bid that cup of curses brim?
How may God's maniac ministers
Lash the last languor out of Him?

And a few of my own poems;

Souls in Darkness

Our souls call out to each other, from a time long
past. My subtle words call out to you in a passionate
whisper and kiss.
My shadow caresses you with a gentle breeze that
embraces you in the darkness
I touch the very essence ov your soul
Your dream is my dream
I hold you tight in my thoughts
You are never alone
One day soon my lovely Stars

A Dream From Afar

On the breath of the wind
From the grip of the stars
You flew into my life
Like a dream from afar

In the depths of my darkness
Your heart bled fluid light
A gentle voice reached out
And held me all through the night

My soul has been warmed
By the fire in your eyes
In my dreams we are one
And our love never dies

I never thought I'd find a heart
So beautiful and true
I never knew a dream so sweet
Until that dream was you.

Let`s deem this day officially as the day of poetic verses.
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Post by Taig »

cough, cough....ahem,, sure is dusty in here.; although I see someone has been here recently - probably that old drunk HIram "King of Freedonia" he says at least. Been down here drinkin with that chippy Spaciegirl and that old' boy ApotheosisAZ - that Apo is a slippery critter, the three of them together can't mean nothin but trouble.

NOthin' but trash and burned out ideas down here

Beer cans in the recycling, cinders cleaned from the fireplace, no trash, no trace really but that's how I know they was here. SItting around on the floor doin lord knows and only the lord knows what they hell they're burnin back here but they gotta be smokin some of it again if they're down in this hole talkin about things...

...that little pipsqueek Spencer and his dispepsic disoredrs (how udderly tasteless! -hee heee I said udder-ly) has ev'body all high an mighty about maybe he's related to maybe one of the other ones..HA what do them kids know? They know the same as me

NOTTHIN' Nothin' cuz they're aint nuthin to know and they never was

but, how you just can't keep somethings from rising to the top over and over again. What's old is new and what's new is old. Why I remember back near on well must be 6 7 months ago. We was young pups then, full o' piss and vinegar and ready to take on the world...but as we neared the truth - and we were so very near the REAL truth - somehow we lost site of what it was we were looking for.

It was as if our attention was being physically pulled away from the center. Silly things seemed so important. Families, careers, spouses, children vacations. These were all things that seeemed trivial in the face of what we were about to know. Suddenly, they mattered and we all just moved along; argued about other stuff that never really amounted to nuthin'. Nuthin' like what was taked about in here I tell ya.....Like how about GAY ALIENS?

GAY ALIENS NOT ENOUGH???? not enough? oh well there's more! There is plenty more and what's worse,what is truely worse is that noine of it has ever been proven to be false

The SCUBA DIVING FLIPPER PEOPLE!!!!!! THE INCEST!!! THE SPACE SEX !!!!!!! And the horrilble descriptions of ectoplasmic copulation


that's's frightening but it's all right hear
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Post by Hiram »

Hi Taig,

Top of the evening to you sir. Thank you for sharing your enlightenment. Rather interesting, to say the least. As for me being an old drunk. That is a baseless assumption sir. I like an occasional drink here and there, but certainly not in excess. As to the later, Gay Aliens, Ha, lol. Your a funny man. If you want to know the secrets, you will have to drop by here:

and read what I have to say. Click to enlarge. Then when your done there, visit my good friend (man in Black) Jonathan:

and purchase some books to learn the Real Secrets :wink:

If you so desire and will to know.

And, if I may oblige you to some fine rap:

With a Will Smith Flavor.

You may drop by and visit me sometime, watch my fav videos at:

Aleister Crowley TV

Who knows, you may learn a few new things.

BleSsed BEe within the Tree of Nuit and Hadit, sayeth Ra Hoor Khuit.

See Ya!

"I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening; I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning." -AC
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Post by Rockefeller »

whoa-o-o-o-o-!!!!!!! :shock:

stop stop stop!!!!!!

WTF????? Does anyone else know about this?

ETA: About the "tin foil" porn it all looks pretty wholesome to me
Life isn't just for the living ya know
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