watching_watchers wrote:Awwww, Autumn will miss jason. specially since a lot of drama is gonna go down tonight. o.o;
dude so uh like i said Marbella, I'll try my best to be on. =D
Is his little lecture bitch fit gonna be the same time class starts or durring class or what?
Well, Autumn.. You're the one in the most trouble.. followed by Jason and Chelsey. I'm not sure when we'll get 'mute to drop in. He PM's me when he comes on and then we work out the timing. So, we can make sure you're here!!
(I think he's taking you out in the hall OR to his office.. )
GOD why don't we just wait till Monday guys? lmao. no ones gonna be here and I don't wanna neglect babysitting.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
watching_watchers wrote:Okay. I'll try my best. =]
Whos a super fast poster today? MARBELLA IS! lol.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
During Class~ Ms. Divine taught about the inter-relationships between science and religion, and how they are both built upon different philosophies. Each person must determine their own philosophy.
She also taught about Dr. Richard Feynman, who had a unique perspective on both of them. Autumn was extremely disruptive, using profanity and disrespect. She was almost thrown out of class until she apologized. Ms. Divine accepted her apology, although it was insincere. At this point, Autumn stopped acting up.
Next, Ms. Divine told the class to avoid the underground passageways, because there may be Resistance force militia down there. She explained to them that Haku had been down there for three days, drugged and tied up by the Resistance.
Last edited by Marbella on Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
After Class~ The class congregated by the pool. Autumn repeatedly jumped off the high dive, wearing nothing but her bra and panties, which were see-through after they got wet. While trying to drag Cloud into the pool, her hand slips and she falls and hits her head on the concrete. Cloud uses healing powers to heal her, and then he passes out, coughing up blood.
When Autumn comes back, she is once again "singing her eternal song." She changes into her white shirt and khakis. She then notices her wrist bleeding more and she starts to bang her wrist against a tree, screaming something like, "Get out! They want my blood! Get it out of me!" Jason tries to restrain her, but she "kicks him where the sun doesn't shine." Cloud gets up, stumbling, saying, "stop her!" Jenna stayed with Cloud while Jason ran after Autumn.
Autumn rushed to her dorm room, barricaded the door and then cut her wrist more deeply with a razor until she passed out. Cloud runs to Autumn's door and blasts it open with his fist, before passing out again. Cloud has no more energy to heal her, so the ambulance comes for her. Autumn remained in stable condition at the hospital, with her wrist tightly bandaged, but medical staff worried she might go into a coma.
Autumn: *Lays in the hospital bed; the doctors think she is in acoma now. The nurses check on her every so often; the IV in her arm drips liquid into the vein on her unharmed wrist; they also have hooked her up to a breathing machine; because her breathing was so faint.*
The others returned to the dorm, needing a "good stiff drink." Madison gave Cloud a beer. Jake could not believe everyone was taking this so well!
Your summary made me laugh more than usual today Marbella.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
Throughout the day~ Haku left notes on everyones' door, then went and set up things in the courtyard. Sadly, only Jenna and Cloud showed up. Haku offered to heal Cloud's wound in exchange for his trust. Realizing no one else would come out, Haku then dismissed them from class.
Later on Haku came back out and sat on the grass with Jenna and Cloud. Haku explained a little bit of what he wanted to teach in class to them. Haku agreed to answer some questions about what been going on and Cloud instinctively wanted to know how Haku knew that it was the resistance that kidnapped him. Haku explained that a history about his brother, Clive. Afterwards, feeling disturbed Haku quickly changes the subject.
The three of them spend some peaceful time on the grass watching the sky and some conversation betweem Cloud and Jenna is barely noticed as Haku seems to have other thoughts on his mind. Jenna heads off to bed, while Haku still in a lost state of mind blankly heads off shortly after her. Cloud is then visited by Chantal and the two have a nice nite under the stars.
edit: whoops nice nite lmao
Last edited by LesterG on Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How sweet! Chantal and Cloud have had a nice-nice (hopefully romantic!) evening.
LesterG wrote:Throughout the day~ Haku left notes on everyones' door, then went and set up things in the courtyard. Sadly, only Jenna and Cloud showed up. Haku offered to heal Cloud's wound in exchange for his trust. Realizing no one else would come out, Haku then dismissed them from class.
Later on Haku came back out and sat on the grass with Jenna and Cloud. Haku explained a little bit of what he wanted to teach in class to them. Haku agreed to answer some questions about what been going on and Cloud instinctively wanted to know how Haku knew that it was the resistance that kidnapped him. Haku explained that a history about his brother, Clive. Afterwards, feeling disturbed Haku quickly changes the subject.
The three of them spend some peaceful time on the grass watching the sky and some conversation betweem Cloud and Jenna is barely noticed as Haku seems to have other thoughts on his mind. Jenna heads off to bed, while Haku still in a lost state of mind blankly heads off shortly after her. Cloud is then visited by Chantal and the two have a nice nice under the stars.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!