Who wants Gemma to be canon?

Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Do you want Gemmers19 to be canon

Poll ended at Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:32 pm

YES PLEASE! Bree and Daniel are more stale then an old bag of potato chips.
No thanks. The story doesn't need another character.
Total votes: 51

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Post by iamcool »

is tht dr impotent dude a real conon or not?
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cooltron5000 is also accepted

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Post by Luv2Luvem »

iamcool wrote:whats canon?
Canon means "official" as in a real part of something as oposed to a fan creation. The only way to know if anything is canon in the LG world is for either Bree or Daniel to say something about it. For instance, we know "Lucy" was a canon character because she was mentioned/seen in the LG15 videos. Gemma has not been mentioned and so is not yet canon.

Edit: Immant has mot been mentioned either.
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Post by Reb »

I really don't want this person to be a real part. I think that instead there should be more focus on the relationship between bree and daniel. If she is I recon that Bree with acknowledge one of her videos soon.
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Post by HyeMew »

Personally, I just plain don't like Gemmers. I mean while D&B are getting a bit stale, it's more the plot than the characters. They're still enjoyable, especially if they capture some of the old time fun.
I might support the addition of a new character at some point or another, however just not Gemmers.

Gemmers seems to clash, definitely wouldn't be a good fit hanging out in Bree's room so thank goodness she's stuck in London!
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Post by quikstrike98 »

I think Gemma is adding depth to the story, and to Bree's past. She also seems to be preparing to cast more light on the nature of the religion.

Besides, she's restful to the eyes. ;)
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Post by cassieisabeyotch »



In case that image gets removed or doesn't work, it's a picture of "Gemmers" with "Bree" and "Tom Green" (errr..he shouldnt be quoted, but yeah) hanging out together.

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Post by DontHaveAClue »

cassieisabeyotch wrote:SHES FAKE


In case that image gets removed or doesn't work, it's a picture of "Gemmers" with "Bree" and "Tom Green" (errr..he shouldnt be quoted, but yeah) hanging out together.

Hello genius! Thanks for the info. That's priceless. Really!
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Post by le dork »

DontHaveAClue wrote:
cassieisabeyotch wrote:SHES FAKE


In case that image gets removed or doesn't work, it's a picture of "Gemmers" with "Bree" and "Tom Green" (errr..he shouldnt be quoted, but yeah) hanging out together.

Hello genius! Thanks for the info. That's priceless. Really!
Actually, in my mind the fact that she's at the party makes it seem (to me, anyways) even more likely that she is part of the story arc.

Yousef was at the party, too, after all, so why not several other cast & crew?
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

le dork wrote: Actually, in my mind the fact that she's at the party makes it seem (to me, anyways) even more likely that she is part of the story arc.

Yousef was at the party, too, after all, so why not several other cast & crew?
My point exactely (made a few days back). The same idea has been approved by different persons on this board. So yes I, and other people, do agree with you.
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Post by quikstrike98 »

Geez, just because she's hanging with Jess at a cast party means she's not "real"??? :roll:

Have you NEVER gotten a job recommendation from a friend and wound up working with him? I broke into my current career because a friend recommended me to his boss; if Gemma is a friend of Jessica's, it's entirely possible that she was recommended to the creators when they were casting. Conversely, it's entirely possible that she's there at the party because she's part of the cast, and wasn't friends with Jessica prior to joining the project.

The fact that she is personally associated with Jessica in some capacity, whether professional or personal, lends credence to the possibility that her videos are canon (I detest the term "real/not real", it's obvious that she's a living, breathing human being, and the entire LG15 world is "not real", it's fiction ferchrissakes!!!). I doubt that Jessica would have a friend just making shiznit up and putting it out there as a game-jack.

The quality of the videos and the style of editing lends me to believe that they're canon, as well.

By the way, does anyone else think that Tom Green looked like 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag? What was Drew Barrymore thinking? :P
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Post by sammy7s7 »

cassieisabeyotch wrote:SHES FAKE


In case that image gets removed or doesn't work, it's a picture of "Gemmers" with "Bree" and "Tom Green" (errr..he shouldnt be quoted, but yeah) hanging out together.

Is it just me or does Gemmers neck look too long, like someone messed up with photoshop?
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Post by Penny »

quikstrike98 wrote: By the way, does anyone else think that Tom Green looked like 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag? What was Drew Barrymore thinking? :P
I was thinking the same thing. LOL!
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Post by Vapor Snake »

Now this is a thread I can follow!

Gemma should ABSOLUTELY be made offical!

In fact, I think the Creators should have Bree's family move because of all the problems with Daniel and the ceremony. Bree wouldn't be able to post any new videos for awhile (since her camera and computer would packed up on a truck, heading to a different town/state/country) so Gemma could step in and keep story moving with some background on the cult or community or whatever.

Or she could just sit there *sigh* :wink:

P.S to sammy7s7: Her neck isn't too long, it's "swan-like".
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Post by Sfonzarelli »

Your Solid Snake avatar just increases my enjoyment of your post.

I agree with you 100 percent.

And that photo's definitely not photoshopped.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

When did the poll close? I would have liked to vote. And I would have voted against Gemma being canon. She may be freakin' gorgeous, and she may have appeared in a pic with That Actress Jess Rose, but her videos aren't that interesting.
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