Woo! Couple more people and we'll have a movement!
Hell yes.
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube! http://www.youtube.com/xshibbiex
watching_watchers wrote:I love her character she brings more adult-like matters to it, like sex, even though they go around it it still makes things more interesting and lets face it sex sells. And thats coming from a girl.
i admit, i do appreciate how she talks about sex. the series needed a bad girl. however, she doesn't have to follow that up with all the whine she does. while daniel's clinginess might be a mood killer, so is the crying and complaining from sarah.
Aponi wrote:I can't believe I used to think about joining the Sarah fan club. No way now. She's really getting on my nerves.
(This is the polite version of how I feel )
true true. watch her whine all the time. sure she's not a prude like the others but she's even whiny about that too! so i vote we shoot her. not more whine.
i didn't realize that to be cool all i had to do was become physically appealing and act like a brat all the time. it doesn't even matter if you're retarded or annoying, either. people will think you're cool as long as you have blond hair and act like you're twelve. =D
platypusrex256 wrote:i didn't realize that to be cool all i had to do was become physically appealing and act like a brat all the time. it doesn't even matter if you're retarded or annoying, either. people will think you're cool as long as you have blond hair and act like you're twelve. =D
well ofcourse being blonde makes you cool i mean look at me well i guess im not the best example. but i dont need to act 12. that tends to happen after a few drinks anyway