Sandi Correspondence [Archive]

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Sandi Correspondence [Archive]

Post by ShardinsKitten »

This is an archive of correspondence to Sandi only.

Myspace(last name: Star ):
Last edited by ShardinsKitten on Wed May 30, 2007 12:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

TOSG wrote:Some Youtube correspondence:

I wrote:
Hi Sandi,

You said that you knew I was coming. And here I am.

You said that you'd like to meet someone who you don't already know. If that's true, you should enlighten me as to your last name, so that we can connect.

I'm very curious about who you are, and how you came to be in possession of J8. I think that we may be able to work together in the future.

She replied:
yo dude
on the make already ay?
'tsall good but have some respect :)

curious i'm sure you are
but if you want to be dialed in
you'll have to rap with jay
old man thinks he's the conductor
what can I say?

:lol: What do you guys make of this?
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Post by silverblue »

I think it's hilarious! :D

Some interesting word choices there though -- "on the make", "'tsall good", "dialed in", "conductor"...

I just realised that maybe it's supposed to be a rhyming poem if you pronounce it correctly - "ay", "jay", and "say" are all obvious rhymes, and "are" and "conductor" could maybe rhyme if you had the right accent?
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Post by deagol »

Blue, check the surfer lingo links I provided here. Also, we should try to keep these [Archive] threads for the messages themselves for easy reference. Discussion can go in the other thread, appropriately marked [Discussion]. :)
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Post by silverblue »

Sorry Deagol, I was responding to the quoted "What do you guys make of this?" and didn't read the thread title before I posted.

Please feel free to delete these posts.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

silverblue wrote:Sorry Deagol, I was responding to the quoted "What do you guys make of this?" and didn't read the thread title before I posted.

Please feel free to delete these posts.

my fault i didn't delete that part of his message lol. no need to delete, maybe one of the mods could just move this stuff into the thread that has this message in it please?
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Post by phipunk »

I sent this to Sandi via youtube yesterday, and unsuprisingly haven't heard anything back. I know that the PM would know what's up, but thought perhaps this approach might get something. Posting it here just for the sake of completeness.
May 28, 2007
Read: —
Subject: How's Santa Cruz
Hi Sandi,

I was just browsing around youtube and came across your profile. Are you a student at UCSC? If so, finals must be coming up, so you're probably pretty stressed out.

I recently moved away from Santa Cruz up to the East Bay. It's nice here, but can't compare to the redwood forests or the breakers at Seabright. I hope to see some videos of you out in the surf! Do you usually stick around SC, or do you prefer the waves elsewhere? I know sometimes the Santa Cruz beaches can get crowded, especially in the summer months.

Anyway, take care. Hope to hear from you soon!

Philip [Mylastname]
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Post by RedRevolver »

Yes, she has not responded to my myspace message. She has, on the other hand, responded to my comment on her blog.

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Post by phipunk »

Following her video "Division of Power" I sent the following to Sandi via YouTube:
phipunk wrote: Subject: Nice montage

Hi Sandi,

Cool video! I'm curious where you got some of the elements. Like, where did you get the music from? And that picture at the end--where did you find that.

Good to see that you're making videos. I still hope we get to see you out on the waves sometime soon!

She wrote back, in her usual terse style
Sandi wrote: its what i heard
and its what i saw

aloha bra
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Post by RedRevolver »

Is Sandi supposed to be psychic or something?
KateModern or we eat YOUR children.

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