I don't know
I have a horrible suspicion that Bree will die in the 'ceremony' before the TAAG can save her, but god that would be horrible. I don't see how it would really go on after that...expect for the search for Jonas's parents. But that can't be a huge storyline...I mean just think about it, it's nice but it's not really 'good'.
At this point, I really have no idea what will happen. I'm sure the Creators will surprise us though, maybe.
The names Julie.
Bree and Jonas Forever! <3
Grand Master of Praise of the SSJF but Shhh about it 'k? XD
My LG15 Vid
i think that while DJTSS go looking for Bree she escapes and goes missing. then DJTSS get to the order/hoo place and find out shes already gone and then the order tries to get them and ends up kidnapping (or killing) one of them while the rest escape to try and find bree.
my theory.
Soo the name is Kimmie and i basically rock socks. how bout you?
**Member of the Spencer Gilman fan club! woo!**
Luminous wrote:All I really want to know is "What is the ceremony?" and "Whatever happened to that girl cassie?"
The answers better be good, and Daniel and Spencer better live.
YES! ive been wondering about cassie since the get-go and me and my mom (lol) have a lot of theories but no good ones and i dont really want to put them up buuut maybe i will one day
Im just hoping one of the main (male) characters die. thats what ive been wanted since the beginning basically. that for the ending of the series at least. like jonas gives up his life to save bree and daniel. and then it shows bree and daniel doing one last video like Proving Science Wrong. just as a nice little. "were through posting videos but. heres one little good memory. enjoy" iwoah i got kinda offtopic. anyway i just hope someone dies. good drama. plus the cast is a little heavy right now and its a good way to ease the tension. bring everyone together over the death of (blank). Def. jonas or daniel cuz. well the other characters arent as well known. plus if bree dies. theres basically no story. and the name would be weird. "lonelygirl15. Now with 100% less lonelygirl!" i wanna showdown to happen. like jonas goes crazy out of rage and love. i doubt he would die. just cuz of the storyline with his parents still waiting to be discovered. however. daniel. he would be good to die. like. he gets murdered and then bree snaps out of HoO mode and. they run again. or even spencer would work. they somehow crash the ceremony after watching for a short while and realize that shes in danger they run down and while there just happen to take a blood sample and run outta there. kinda unlikely. and just as they think oh yay we got away. blam. spencer falls dead. and then taylor reveals that he told her how to make bree trait negative. or they must start back at square one.and i would enjoy finding out about cassie. though i doubt it. and i dunno how her character could help right now. anyway lol long post already and i think everyone gets the idea.
Hmmm. Too tired to wrote something meaningful here so........damn...
haha. that's 5 days before my birthday xD what a nice present.
i hope someone dies too...preferably daniel.
i just can't see how he can help the series any further.
it shouldn't be jonas because his parents still need to be found!
and it definitely can't be bree.
i mean...lonelygirl15. nuff said.
deaths from any other characters wouldn't leave as big an impact, IMO.
except for P. Monkey of course. I'd cry.
It's funny that basically we know very little about anything in the ceremony, besides that Bree can be made trait negative. Even the Order is still pretty much unknown. At times, I wonder if the C's even know what these things are.
In the course of a month, I hope they do not just try to answer everything as fast as they can. Though we need these answers (it has been a little over a year; they should have trickled a little more info to us over that time, besides who's with who), having a huge amount of information just thrown at us would be a pretty half assed way to finish things, especially because there most likely will be a lot going on.
I'm just worried if the ending is going to be ok, and not just a rushed thing, that it will be well thought out (frankly, everything that has happened in the vids lately didn't really seem all that well planned out to me). I would get pissed if I could compare the show to a term paper that was done the night before it was due.
Last edited by Spades on Sat Jul 14, 2007 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I like music, a lot. And yea, that's it.
Oh ****, forgot about beer.
And I listened to that song, and it sucked. No offense.
pandababy wrote:i hope someone dies too...preferably daniel.
i just can't see how he can help the series any further.
it shouldn't be jonas because his parents still need to be found!
and it definitely can't be bree.
i mean...lonelygirl15. nuff said.
deaths from any other characters wouldn't leave as big an impact, IMO.
except for P. Monkey of course. I'd cry.
you want to kill off DANIELBEAST?????? i would scream and cry and turn even MORE EMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!