Oh the excitement is killing me
"We annoyed you with filler vids for weeks so we could make our jump the shark moment cooler!!"
Seriously, what is this?
If you realize there is a break necessary, and you obviously can't handle doing LG15 at the moment,
and you have a new series starting as well - why the f**k didn't this happen four weeks ago?
You could've done a nice season finale, taken a month off to prepare KateModern, and could then have started Season 2 and KateModern on the same day, to be in total sync.
But nooooo, instead you drag on the story until even the newbs die of boredom, start KM somewhere in the middle, and are now hyping a season finale that's only telling us you're going to wait another three weeks until you finally admit the story's dead right now.
Newsflash: The past dozen videos weren't particularly exciting. Why would we jump for joy on the prospect of being spammed with more?