Anyway i thought to myself wouldn't it be funny if Taylor and Spencer got together after all they're both science geeks and inteligent, then I stopped and thought no that would be really predictable and cliche...
Moving on, as not to continue with my above thought, and turn this into a negative rant. After seeing the latest video ("The Bree Solution")I don't like how all the characters are all suddenly flirting, angsting over or in somesort of romantic relationship with each other. I don't think it's a very acurate portrayal of people our age, sure you'll meet people you click with and find attractive but it doesn't mean you get together with them (not that Taylor and Spencer have got together ...yet). Just that I find it a little unbeliveable that they are all with each other not other people. I remember back in the early days Bree talking about this unknown guy called Daniel and how there was at least a little bit of mystery surrounding it, it was good!
But it's not all bad:
1. As mentioned above Bree and Daniel, didn't work out, very reflective of real life, not every relationship works.
2. Bree and Jonas, after all Bree is the main protagonist she needs to have somekind of love interest.
...from there on in i'm afraid it goes down hill. Having said that I can kind of see the Daniel and Sarah thing, after all Daniel needed someone to help him get over Bree and Jonas' aunt. If him and Sarah don't work out it would start to make a patturn that he's the type of character who's always the unlucky one when it comes to love and relationships.
I'd really like the creatos to come up with some thing fresh, new, exciting and un-pridicted other than romance and angst, I think there is too much emphasis on the romantic side of things.
But maybe i'm being too harsh here. Someone told me something once "Only 1 in 10 ideas is a good one" ... but that's just me speaking from a writer's standpoint.
In anycase I prefer to feel characters should get together before they do themselves. It all seems a little too fast, convinient and basically easy for the characters. I think that the creators should stop trying to please everyone and turn it back into what it was and should be, an intriguing, pulse racing, socially reflective mystery story in which they are in control with.
At the end of the day this is only my opinion, don't feel threatend by it.
What are everyone elses thoughts on this?