I am BEYOND excited for this. My inner fan girl died of a squee-gasm....and extra nerd points if it's Cthulhu. Though I know I've read shit on YT (Check out Nightowl 3090's analysis..es or however you'd write them) that it's all shot on hand helds (that's the TWIST! *gasp*)..which seems like an updated Blair Witch. Boo on that.
According to
Aint It Cool it says that all the Ethan Haas sites have nothing to do with Cloverfield. However, I know the ARG hounds spotted a guy wearing a
Slusho! shirt. Slusho is the drink refrenced in an episode of Alias, another JJ show. This in turn led to the
website...which will look strangely familiar to any Lost Experience vets (what better way to enjoy your Apollo Bar?

But yeah, I'm still psyched. Looks awesome!