OnceUponan00b wrote:No, see this pisses me off. He's not compser or an arranger. He uses apple loops. "The Hymn" is just the apple loop called Deep Electric Piano 02, which can be found in garageband. It's just the loop being, well...looped. You can also hear some pretty poor cutting together of the loop in several spots. Therefore the guy can't even use garageband all that well. I am a composer/arranger and find it offensive that he's credited in this manner when all he does is use apple loops from garageband.
Oh, I'm sorry. On "Irish Dreams" he played the melody to Mary Had A Little Lamb over top of the rest of the loops. He's obviously a genius. My mistake.
(that's sarcasim for the slow folks in the room)
hey im a composer/arranger... working loops and samples is still work and a skill... and somtimes simplicity works... both of us know anything more than what he did woulndt fit the onscreen action... the music he used is action appropriate...
i dont use garageband so i didnt catch it... i thoguht he mixed his own samples into a loop and such... but yea hes not the most skilled guy... but you cant down him like that... im waiting for him to arrange some more indepth music...i dont care if he plays it as a midi off garage band or w/e... but then again this series dosent call for indepth arranged music... it calls for simple stuff
iono... give me time and i'll write a brass quintet thing for katemodern and try to sell it to mesh and the C's... haha, like that will happen
student of human nature...
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a "WNSASUANOTF" homie... with Kasia who perlexes me somtimes... and Les... both of whom I less then three ...
megabyte made my avvie...