I had a dream aboutme standing in an army of people dressed in white.But I really dont know if it had anything to do with HOO.
That dream scared thhell out of me though. People were trying to kill me the whole dream. That was untilI saw my whole football team kneeling before a bright light. All and All it was a creepy ass dream that mad no since.
i just had one last night actually! it was kind of..... shall I say... explicit? lol
Sooo Bree and Daniel were like chilling somewhere, and then Daniel starts screaming at Bree like "HOW DID WE GET HERE???" meaning like.... the situation. and Bree's like explaining about The Order and stuff and then she just stops and says "Daniel I love you." and Daniel's like "I love you too" and they start making out and its really really sweet and then they.... well you probably know the rest.
i guess Sarah like died.... which is sad cuz i like sarah, but bree's better! lol okokok im done