Taig- did you mean facetious? good word. There are a couple other threads as far as Sarah's dumping the papers goes, but, personally, I am in the 'It Was an Accident' camp. (Then again, read my first post in "This is becoming a bad horror movie" and it's obvious that my common sense and the plot rarely follow the same lines.)Taig wrote: Spencer: LOVE him! Very cool character. He's iust the sort of doofus that is perfect for this series. I am not being faetious. I mean it. Part of what I loved about LG15 in the beginning was the innocence and naivete' of the players
Spencer brings a lot of that back. I still have some issues (hee hee there are those who would say I have quite a few) with things but really...I am stoked to see this character develop.
Why did that dope Sarah dump those papers in the first place? Does she know something she doesn't want us to know?
I agree with Taig about Spencer, though at times he is such a doofus that I find him hard to watch. He seems to be hyperbole at his core, so over the top that I think part of the Creator's intent is to use him as a foil - the Beast, though obviously not a doofus, seemed somewhat socially inept until we met Spencer.
I saw (or think I remember seeing) a couple threads about who was going to show up again, next, or where Spencer was, if he was coming back, etc., so I have created a poll to amuse myself.
My thinking is that the Creators wouldn't spend so much time on the Gillman arc, AND cast an actor as Spencer for him to appear in a single video - aside from what he could possibly add to the storyline, the real-world dynamics suggested that Spencer was coming back.
But that's just my opinion - what are ya'll's thoughts on the matter?