Why in the world can't we accept Bree the way she is?

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Why in the world can't we accept Bree the way she is?

Post by Joss »

Why is it that we assume anything we do not know or understand is bad and has to be destroyed? :roll:

I don't see why Bree should be rescued of anything, to me she is a perfectly healthy girl with caring parents and strong believings that they conveyed to their daughter.

Can please anybody point out any evidence that suggests that she is in danger or that she would do better being a follower of any other set of ideas?

I just can't see how being different could be a symptom of anything needing treatment.

Is really that hard to conceive the idea of Bree happy the way she is now?

Please show me the evidence because I just can't see it!
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Post by iamcool »

who said they want to destroy the religion?
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Post by Joss »

I did not say somebody wanted their religion destroyed. What I meant is that nobody pointed out that Bree actually seems to be Ok the way she is.. Generally everyone thinks that there must be something wrong about her but to this day nobody made a clear description of anything obviously wrong.

The way I see this.. People believe that there must something wrong based just in a guess and given the lack of proof to sustain that line of thought I question why still people are so attracted to it.

Why this common preset idea that since we don't know about her religion, her life o her dad or whatever.. There has to be something bad to it?
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

I don't think that most people are worried about "saving Bree" anymore anyways...Daniel seems to be the one in trouble. While it can be argued that he has "stalked" Bree and broken laws, it seems that he has done so out of concern as opposed to doing so with some sort of malicious intent. But why are the members of this group, in turn, stalking him? And why doesn't Bree seem to know that they have information about Daniel and his whereabouts? Plus...think about the concept of truth. Then think about secrets..think about keeping people from the truth...think about cover-ups..about hiding. In our culture, secrets are akin to cover-ups..to lies. Americans think that if there's nothing weird or bad going on, there should be full disclosure. If there's nothing bad going on, why would you need to hide it? That's just how our culture is..not only do we not "like" secrets, but we don't really respect them either. I think that a good example of something that influences our belief that secrets are usually something bad is the media. Anytime Americans are exposed to an uncovered "secret", it's in the form of a child molesting official of some sort, an underground drug ring, a political conspiracy..etc...so forth...so on. Anyway, what kind of a crap story is this going to be if we find out everything was just a big misunderstanding and things are just peachy all around?
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Post by Joss »

Would you really expect Bree is she were a real person to provide a full disclosure on herself?

If you (or me, or anyone else) would do some kind of vblog in the line of LG15 would you really discuss every little detail about yourself?

Keeping in mind that Bree is a fictional character we can't forget that it pretends to be an actual girl so it makes sense that the information given is as much as a real person would give.

Let me put it in other words: We do all keep secrets, right? Nobody knows everything about us.. Does that means that we all are conspiring or child molester or anything terrible like that?

Would you expect anyone who does not know about your parents to think they are terrorists or assasins or whatever just because you do not give a full disclosure about them?

I know is hard to deal with not knowing.. It's impossible not to fill in the gaps with assumptions. We are humans and that's how we work. My question is: How could a tender 16 year-old be of any threat to any of us so we can expect the worst from any area we don't know her about?
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Umm...yeah..I don't think you got what I was getting at. No, I don't expect her to tell us every detail about herself, nor would I expect anyone else to in a video blog. I was mainly talking about her religion being so secretive and how that is kind of a foreign concept to a lot of people. I was also talking aout our culture in general..how we aren't realy secretive about things unless were hiding something that is "bad". I didn't say it was right..and I didn't say it was wrong either. We are, as a people, pretty fond of a "tell it like it is" and "I don't have anything to hide" attitude. That's all I'm saying. I think it's kind of natural to be suspicious of secrets and things we don't know about...especially this situation where it appears that this group is watching Daniel.
P.S. There's also a difference between keeping secrets and just not telling someone everything.
Also this: "How could a tender 16 year-old be of any threat to any of us so we can expect the worst from any area we don't know her about?" disturbs me. What are you saying that becuase she's 16 and seemingly innocent, she can do no wrong or could not hurt anyone? Yes, maybe it is dangerous to expect the worse from people all the time, but I don't think you should underestimate anyone either.
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Post by SharpI »

Hi Joss - I think I am quite ready to accept Bree as a believer in her religion, whatever it is. Her religion may turn out to be quite benign, although it probably has its scary moments such as when an initiate recites an incantation in Enochian while watching her blood dribble out.

And I agree with you that there's an undercurrent to many posts which boils down to "oooo cult, cult = evil, omg, Daniel will be killed!?!111" That translates into pressure/desire for Bree to conform much greater than if she were, say, Amish.

But of course we now know this is a story, one that is deliberately leading us into an ambiguous space where there are possible dangers. I think most fans are trying to steer the characters away from these possible dangers, and not thinking about the consequences that you bring up of this fear-based knee-jerk reaction. I think you're touching on one of the core messages of the Lonelygirl saga.
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Joss wrote: Why is it that we assume anything we do not know or understand is bad and has to be destroyed?
Because if it wasn't evil, sick, satanic, and bad then why have they been hiding it all these centuries? Obviously, they are hiding everything because it's evil and should be destroyed by normal people.
Joss wrote: I don't see why Bree should be rescued of anything, to me she is a perfectly healthy girl with caring parents and strong believings that they conveyed to their daughter.
Sounds to me like you're in the same satan-worshipping, baby-eating abortionist religion that she's in. You MLM'ers always stick up for your own, don't you.
Joss wrote: Can please anybody point out any evidence that suggests that she is in danger or that she would do better being a follower of any other set of ideas?
1. Secret Ritual
2. Injections in her arm
3. Mind control to make her hate her friends
4. Association with people who will kill her former friend Daniel
5. Weird secret rituals in a field at night, where they either killed an animal or took Bree's virginity

I don't know how anyone can SERIOUSLY doubt anymore that Bree is a wicked evil Satanist and that her Convent of Whiches is obviously after Daniel. They probably want to throw him into a cauldron with Eyes of Newts and Puppy Dog Tails and Snips and Snails. They're stalking him, they have pictures of him and his home, and Bree even warns that they will do something "dangerous" to him, which is MLM code for "kill".

She would be better off being a Quaker, if you ask me. They are very good Christians. Richard Nixon was a Quaker and he ended the Vietnam War. (Too bad President George Washington Bush Jr isn't a quaker, so we could get out of Iraq.) Also, the Quakers believe in good health through eating Oats and whole grains.

So you tell me Joss, what's better for Bree - a Satanic Baby-eating cult that wants to kill Daniel and gives her shots so they can do mind-control, or a Pacifist Christian religion that believes in eating Oats to lower cholesterol???

Your answer will show us whether or not you're an MLM'er.

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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Exactly! God damni it, now I'm craving some oaty goodness.
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

spaciegirl wrote:Exactly! God damni it, now I'm craving some oaty goodness.
I think the Quaker who invented the Oatmeal Raisin cookie should be honored, but I think they play that down because it was actually an Amish woman who invented that cookie. The Amish are the smartest of the Old World Pennsylvania Christians, and the Quakers, Shakers, Mennonites and the rest all are jealous of them.

Personally, I like Rice Crispies and Rice Crispie Treats, but I think those were invented by an Asian.
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

JerseyJohnny wrote:
spaciegirl wrote:Exactly! God damni it, now I'm craving some oaty goodness.
I think the Quaker who invented the Oatmeal Raisin cookie should be honored, but I think they play that down because it was actually an Amish woman who invented that cookie. The Amish are the smartest of the Old World Pennsylvania Christians, and the Quakers, Shakers, Mennonites and the rest all are jealous of them.

Personally, I like Rice Crispies and Rice Crispie Treats, but I think those were invented by an Asian.
Excuse me, but I think it was some sort of anglo-saxon-pagan-magikael-elf.
edit- besides, everyone knows amish people can't use ovens because they have no electricity. Everything they eat has to come from a microwave.
Last edited by spaciegirlreturn on Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sfonzarelli »

If you take DMT, you can see the Elves that invented the Rice Crispie Treats
I've got a Morse Code anagram for you to decode, Cassie:

-.-. ..-. ..- -.- / ..- -.-- ---
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Spaciegirl, I forgot about the Amish laws against using ovens, so you're right, it couldn't have been them.

And SFonz, the elves on the Rice Krispies box are who you must be referring to.

I was once in an order of elves, and we held our meetings in a hollow tree. Several of our members were higher-ups in a baking corporation called "Keebler". Our group was very secretive so I can't tell you much, but I can tell you I was a member of Tree Lodge 34 Tri-Cities, and I was the Swordsman-Tiler. I was also Bake Master at one point. I learned a lot from that group, including the universal truth that "Everybody Loves Fudge".

I'm not sure what happened since I left, but I had heard stories that the Tree Lodge invested their funds in a bridge where they wanted to make money by charging a toll, but a local herd of goats somehow ruined their business. This is why the Goat's Head represents Satan and Evil, because Goats are evil and will always ruin things for the good ones. Never EVER buy a bridge near goats.
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Post by Joss »


Nothig to say.. Just a big smile!
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