Joss wrote:
Why is it that we assume anything we do not know or understand is bad and has to be destroyed?
Because if it wasn't evil, sick, satanic, and bad then why have they been hiding it all these centuries? Obviously, they are hiding everything because it's evil and should be destroyed by normal people.
Joss wrote:
I don't see why Bree should be rescued of anything, to me she is a perfectly healthy girl with caring parents and strong believings that they conveyed to their daughter.
Sounds to me like you're in the same satan-worshipping, baby-eating abortionist religion that she's in. You MLM'ers always stick up for your own, don't you.
Joss wrote:
Can please anybody point out any evidence that suggests that she is in danger or that she would do better being a follower of any other set of ideas?
1. Secret Ritual
2. Injections in her arm
3. Mind control to make her hate her friends
4. Association with people who will kill her former friend Daniel
5. Weird secret rituals in a field at night, where they either killed an animal or took Bree's virginity
I don't know how anyone can SERIOUSLY doubt anymore that Bree is a wicked evil Satanist and that her Convent of Whiches is obviously after Daniel. They probably want to throw him into a cauldron with Eyes of Newts and Puppy Dog Tails and Snips and Snails. They're stalking him, they have pictures of him and his home, and Bree even warns that they will do something "dangerous" to him, which is MLM code for "kill".
She would be better off being a Quaker, if you ask me. They are very good Christians. Richard Nixon was a Quaker and he ended the Vietnam War. (Too bad President George Washington Bush Jr isn't a quaker, so we could get out of Iraq.) Also, the Quakers believe in good health through eating Oats and whole grains.
So you tell me Joss, what's better for Bree - a Satanic Baby-eating cult that wants to kill Daniel and gives her shots so they can do mind-control, or a Pacifist Christian religion that believes in eating Oats to lower cholesterol???
Your answer will show us whether or not you're an MLM'er.