0227 - "All Wet" [07/06/07]

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Post by voyboy »

Hippie wrote:getting slow here again, atleast thats how im feeling...

not just that, but Sarah needs a wake up call, her whole mood doesn't fit with the story, she is not careful at all, it just annoys me, like she hasnt a care in the world, it would be good for her character and for some excitement in the story, if she got kidnapped or something... her attitude is screwing up this story a bit and im sure those papers wont be fully readable, so shes screwing those up too !

ok, i think thats about it for now...
The sad part is that I know people like that. There can be the most serious of situations, where time is of the essence, and they will (random example here...) pour a bowl of cereal and say that they have to eat first, taking their own sweet time. Most these people are young (like Sarah).
And Btw...I said after the first few vids with Sarah, that she needed to get her ass kicked or scared into taking this more seriously.
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Post by suze900 »

Mellie said:
I think our Daniel was ace in this vid... he is being mature and completely unfazed by Sarah and her extremely high opinion of her own suductiveness and her "i'm so damaged" act and angst.

Methinks Daniel hasn't been clingy at all, but was just showing actual friendly kindness towards the disdainful sarcastic Sarah, who can't take it. So she tried to bring him down to her level of angst.

Daniel is certainly showing her up at her own game by being unfazed and again, she's not handling it very well is she?

Heh heh heh. Loving it.
ITA, I was glad to see Daniel taking her especially bratty behavior of the past week so philosophically and maturely. I think he's grown up a lot over the past year. Yay, Daniel!
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Post by HisGirl »

suze900 wrote:Mellie said:
I think our Daniel was ace in this vid... he is being mature and completely unfazed by Sarah and her extremely high opinion of her own suductiveness and her "i'm so damaged" act and angst.

Methinks Daniel hasn't been clingy at all, but was just showing actual friendly kindness towards the disdainful sarcastic Sarah, who can't take it. So she tried to bring him down to her level of angst.

Daniel is certainly showing her up at her own game by being unfazed and again, she's not handling it very well is she?

Heh heh heh. Loving it.
ITA, I was glad to see Daniel taking her especially bratty behavior of the past week so philosophically and maturely. I think he's grown up a lot over the past year. Yay, Daniel!
Agreed! I think an ep of daniel crying and whining about "How could she do this after all we've shared?" with a bottle of booze in his hand would have been laaaaaaaaaaaaame.
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Post by Beckers »

I don't like sarah anymore
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Post by essie »

Beckers wrote:I don't like sarah anymore
Imagine what she must be going through.. out of high school.. chasing after Bree?
I'm waiting for that Tach theme...
anytime now...
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Post by jill2009 »

Essie, she chose to do that.
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Post by AlanLinn »

I like Sarah. If there weren't anything going on other than the search search search for Bree, methinks would start to get a bit boring, don't you think?

And as I've said elsewhere, if DB had not been in such a hurry to open the stupid box right there on the dock where the risks are the highest, things would have been different. Sarah is just reacting/responding to his own lack of control or overexcitement.

The only person who seems remotely emotionally balanced is Taylor, and I presume Spencer if we see more of him.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

hm what made sarah think she could tell him what it is?
she did seem sincere in her apology at the end. she was annoying, but i've always been a sarah fan and all the characters have gone through their low points at one time or another (or a few others).
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Post by AlanLinn »

I think Sarah was just caught up in the excitement of the moment. DB went ahead and opened the case (didn't he grab it from her?), and then sarah wanted to look at the contents and partake in the thrill.

What would you do in that situation? Just stand there? It was Sarah that pulled the thing out of the water.
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Post by New voice of reason »


if Sarah didn`t do it on purpose, she will feel extremely miserable now - and I guess you don`t make it better by telling her what brat she is...

Daniel is a wonderful and nice guy, but I DID sometimes get the impression even before that he wants too much too fast. He is a young man who gives commitment and asks for commitment - and especially for some young people, this is a lot to ask for. Don`t think I don`t like him - in fact, I am a bit like this myself, and I even lost a relationship because of that. (I am glad my partner NOW does accept that as well;-).)

I am quite glad that Jonas and Taylor are on their way now. I just hope that Dan can hang around a bit more with Jonas, so that Sarah will be left to herself and Dan can think about something else.

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Post by BlogGirl14 »

All that interested me in this one was those black headphone like things, what are they? Take a look:

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Post by Aponi »

The names Julie.
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Post by Laurin_B »

Rocks to weight it down.
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Post by BlogGirl14 »

Laurin_B wrote:Rocks to weight it down.
wow! am i retarded!
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Post by RoseCrowley »

BlogGirl14 wrote:
Laurin_B wrote:Rocks to weight it down.
wow! am i retarded!

:smt056 It's Ok, I had to think about it myself at first...
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