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Post by kellylen »

you really need to scan those papers in and send them to spencer asap! if its about his father and science maybe he can help you!

also care to show us some of it too incase we can help.

thanks :D
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

DB, you might want to let everyone know what was in that plastic container that was keeping it underwater, too. It must've been weighted down with something besides a folder with some papers.

Because someone might think it was a clue that was being ignored.
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Post by kellylen »

apo has a good idea danny. what else was in the bin. it looked like more than papers
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Post by New voice of reason »

Yes, Daniel,

I guess that is definately a great idea (both of them). I am very sure this will let Spencer start re-thinking his position....

So, what about it?

New Voice of reason

PS: I have the impression that things between you and Sarah aren`t exactly like they should be.. Do you still get along?

PPS: Don`t be too angry about Sarah`s clumsiness. We all make mistakes sometimes. I guess she is now extremely sad and unhappy. I sometimes have been clumsy as wel, even with important things.

PPPS: And Daniel, please (!) tell us if you found anything else in the box, ok?
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Post by jdolorous »

Does anyone else think that the dropping of the papers might have been on purpose? I mean we don't have any proof that Sarah and Taylor aren't plants. I'm not saying this is completely what I think, but it is just something to think about.
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Post by marlasinger »

No - if she wanted to sabotage those papers, she could have done worse. untied the rope and accidentally let the case fall into the water, for example.

Sarah being part of the order is bullshit in my opinion. She's just emo, and sometimes a bit of a brat, like yesterday.

Daniel, Spencer's going to help you. He said he would if he found any of his dad's work - and now you've found it. So let's get that info to him ASAP.


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Post by FeministPsych »

marlasinger wrote:No - if she wanted to sabotage those papers, she could have done worse. untied the rope and accidentally let the case fall into the water, for example.

Sarah being part of the order is bullshit in my opinion. She's just emo, and sometimes a bit of a brat, like yesterday.

Daniel, Spencer's going to help you. He said he would if he found any of his dad's work - and now you've found it. So let's get that info to him ASAP.


I agree, she could also have just pretended not to see the rope. Why would she find the papers then drop them?

Daniel, I think this video points out that you and Sarah definitely need to have a heart-to-heart, as your drama is getting in the way of the investigation.
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Post by eucebo »

Yes, let us know in what we can help... We can also help you with ideas of how to kill Sarah..
So... I guess this is it...
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Post by sanguine105 »

Sarah could have found the rope and made it a point of calling herself a genius so that we fans see her helping out. It could be an elaborate plan to get us to trust her whenever she happens to 'mess up'. Her attempt to sabotage the papers could have been true. Her apology was extended and she did cause a couple seconds of hesitation before DB went to get them.

I think Sarah and Taylor are definite HoO plants.
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Post by marlasinger »

sanguine105 wrote:Sarah could have found the rope and made it a point of calling herself a genius so that we fans see her helping out. It could be an elaborate plan to get us to trust her whenever she happens to 'mess up'. Her attempt to sabotage the papers could have been true. Her apology was extended and she did cause a couple seconds of hesitation before DB went to get them.

I think Sarah and Taylor are definite HoO plants.
you're not thinking about this properly. We haven't had suspicions (valid ones) about Sarah and Taylor before - and TAYLOR has helped us more than fucking DANIEL has in some ways, in the past few weeks. Let's be honest here. IF Sarah wanted to sabotage, she could have done it another way, that GUARANTEED that the documents would be ruined. Just getting them wet won't do it. That's total bullshit.
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Post by psychobunnie »

ApotheosisAZ wrote:DB, you might want to let everyone know what was in that plastic container that was keeping it underwater, too. It must've been weighted down with something besides a folder with some papers.

Because someone might think it was a clue that was being ignored.
when i watched the video again, it just looked like rocks where holding it down. cause he seems to hold up for like two seconds and there are two black things in the container.

i assume rocks. lol
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