1) I love that Thoreau quote.SkyIsEmpty wrote:
"Be not simply good - be good for something." - Henry David Thoreau
I'm working on this right now. What am I good for? Where am I headed? What is my purpose? Daniel, Jonas, and Bree came into my life for a reason. I care for Daniel and Jonas ... they both care deeply for Bree. I'm still working on where I fit in and how I can help them find Bree. But I feel like this is my purpose right now... that I must good for something. So I'm sticking it out here. Taylor can call me whatever she wants (to be honest, I've called her far worse). As for Jonas, I'm giving him a pass on this one. He did apologize and I know what kind of stress he's under right now. But don't mistake any of this for me not sticking up for myself. I don't need to explain myself to anyone.
2) I think it is good that you don't feel the need to explain yourself, it is a quality I am sure a lot of us wish we had.
3) I also think it is pretty awesome that you are so willing to help these people and probably put your life in danger.
4) I wouldn't have any doubts about Jonas and Daniel caring for you, they both do. I wouldn't fret over that.
5) I agree with BrightSilence, more videos of you would be awesome.