Lonelistic Physics: Why there are no plot holes.

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Post by Onewen »

the latest video has a startling change in hair status of one of the main characters...what do you make of it Drs???

Jonas is crediting this change in behavior to his haircut...interesting...hmmmm?
Last edited by Onewen on Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luminous »

From the "My Dad Died Too" video thread I quote:
Luminous wrote:
Onewen wrote: I have to assume the Creators are going somewhere with this...they promised plot twists...not hairdos. LOL
Someone in Lonelistic Physics needs to do an analysis on this. I suspect it has far reaching consequences
What I find most interesting, Onewen, is your use of the words "plot twists" and "hairdos" in such close proximity with each other. Just as hair can be twisted, braided, curled and such, the Creators have promised "plot twists", and what we have received is a new hairdo. There must be something significant here that is eluding me.

A question I pose for you distinquished scientists is this - Is it possible to twist a ploticle?
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Post by Onewen »

Luminous wrote: What I find most interesting, Onewen, is your use of the words "plot twists" and "hairdos" in such close proximity with each other. Just as hair can be twisted, braided, curled and such, the Creators have promised "plot twists", and what we have received is a new hairdo. There must be something significant here that is eluding me.
Well...perhaps it is significant that there is a proposed "twist" in Jonas' character. That is...he is the "new and improved" Jonas 2.0...complete with "new and improved" hair. There does appear to be a connection there as well...but, alas, i must defer to the fine doctors...as I am simply a stalker on this thread.
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A New Theory and a Diagram, Yeah!

Post by curiousGeorge »

Being a humble (and really not all that smart) monkey I again would like to applaud all for these most excellent theories. From atop my branch I have been postulating a theory that I would like to share with this most learned group:

It seems to me that we have missed probing the importance of a wave form introduced into the vicinity of the notPlot and two resultant particles. It appears as though an incident energy wave, tentatively entitled a Phoron, was fired at the notPlot by some external force. I suspect this was a Mileson, but the source is unclear at this point.

This incident wave interacted with the notPlot, underwent an energy to mass transformation and produced two related, but very different particles.


The Taylon is indeed a strange entity. Switching polarity with no apparent force causing it to do so, it flips and flops and morphs without a shred of apparent reason for doing so. Soccer loving teenybopper to dominatrix in sixty seconds flat. Most baffling....

The Saron is quite a different beast. It's initial interaction with the notPlot was indeed spectacular! It produced a flurry of energy in this learned phorum but was soon revealed to be what it was: highly charged but lacking any real mass as to effect substantive change to the system. Most disappointing...

I eagerly await analysis of this most vexing phenomena from those much smarter than I (which includes just about everyone).
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Post by marlasinger »

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I think I just laughed so hard I drooled on myself. Awesome cG.
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Post by ghost_of_kenny »

Mr. George, perhaps you would be interested in a position in our organization? With a break through like that, offering you a position is the least I can do.
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Re: A New Theory and a Diagram, Yeah!

Post by krmurr87 »

curiousGeorge wrote:Being a humble (and really not all that smart) monkey I again would like to applaud all for these most excellent theories. From atop my branch I have been postulating a theory that I would like to share with this most learned group:

It seems to me that we have missed probing the importance of a wave form introduced into the vicinity of the notPlot and two resultant particles. It appears as though an incident energy wave, tentatively entitled a Phoron, was fired at the notPlot by some external force. I suspect this was a Mileson, but the source is unclear at this point.

This incident wave interacted with the notPlot, underwent an energy to mass transformation and produced two related, but very different particles.


The Taylon is indeed a strange entity. Switching polarity with no apparent force causing it to do so, it flips and flops and morphs without a shred of apparent reason for doing so. Soccer loving teenybopper to dominatrix in sixty seconds flat. Most baffling....

The Saron is quite a different beast. It's initial interaction with the notPlot was indeed spectacular! It produced a flurry of energy in this learned phorum but was soon revealed to be what it was: highly charged but lacking any real mass as to effect substantive change to the system. Most disappointing...

I eagerly await analysis of this most vexing phenomena from those much smarter than I (which includes just about everyone).
pure genius actually :lol:
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Post by krmurr87 »

I'd actually like to note that this latest video has, yet again, propelled a plot line back into no mans land. It wasn't just a few months ago that Alex told Jonas his parents wern't dead...and now all of a sudden Jonas is declaring they're dead....

dkhfsfhskj ](*,)
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Post by Marbella »

krmurr87 wrote:I'd actually like to note that this latest video has, yet again, propelled a plot line back into no mans land. It wasn't just a few months ago that Alex told Jonas his parents wern't dead...and now all of a sudden Jonas is declaring they're dead....

dkhfsfhskj ](*,)
I agree with you there. I don't think he really knows, so he's using that in desparation to get Spencer to help.

But the "notplot" is intertwined with the plotnot in such a way that a matrix resembling DNA arises from the dividing swirl that appears like the Saron and Taylon above. That is definitely a brilliant point, Dr. George! I would love to come and speak with you in your jungle lab. I will bring coconuts and bananas.

If we graph the point NP and PN and intersect both with CCC (Chocolate Chip Chunk) a nexus arises which keeps the viewer running through the maze like a mouse in search of the next bite!

Am I crazy or am I not following this crazy conversation well?
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Post by robtomorrow »


It is interresting that you have brought up interactions with the Phoron, untill recently the Phoron has only been postulated in advanced theroritical physics, but recently has been discovered at CERN in High Energy Plot Acceleration experiments. It was discovered that when the supersymerical partner of the Crapyon, called the Clueon is collided at high energy with a Speculon a Phoron is produced. A Phoron is highly reactive, unstable and only has a half life of three months, but is indispensable in explaining the phenomena of NonPlot we have been studying
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Post by deagol »

I took the liberty of further exploring Mr. George's outstanding work in ploticle physics, and tried to come up with a similar diagram of my findings (the colors should be self-explanatory):


This is by no means a complete outcome. What I found most interesting is the interference by the out-of-the-blue Spenceron, which was apparently aimed at the nonPlot but it appears it has missed it and instead remains in a latent state in the middle of the whole exploding fauna of potentially charged ploticles irremediably traveling to infinity in the vacuum. This odd ploticle deserved a more thorough analysis, so I decided to try to do an atom-probe tomography (APT) of it (e.g take a picture of it). The process was gruesome, but in the end I believe there was a critical discovery.

First, I think I set the APT timer too early. This is nothing like the Spenceron I expected to find:


Then, I messed up the amplification potency, but despite the blurriness, this second trial wasn't a total loss:


After 3 or 4 more trials, I finally hit upon the right settings for the APT. I was shocked at what showed up, but after studying it for a while, I though it explained a lot. Judge for yourselfs, fellow researchers:

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Post by VeiwerZane »

OMG im wetting myself here. Its my guesing this spenceron is a rare combination of gregions, meshions, mileons and a tad of nikions?

(Do i see a nikion whispering in spencers ear?)

Dont mind me im just a theorist and an admireor of your the EWLPRI's work
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Post by tricky-ticky-tavi »

Do you guys realize how many different particles we have discovered here? We've got crapitons, anti-crapitons, videons, taylons, sarons, breeons, beastions, tachyons, alexons, gemmanons, jonans, nikkions, etc.

That's quite a few new particles in a compact space....STAND BACK PEOPLE!!!! --THIS SUCKER IS GONNA BLOW.

From this post forward, protective gear must be worn - and tongs used to touch anything. Carry on.
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My question is this....What were we talking about??

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Post by Luminous »

tricky-ticky-tavi wrote:Do you guys realize how many different particles we have discovered here? We've got crapitons, anti-crapitons, videons, taylons, sarons, breeons, beastions, tachyons, alexons, gemmanons, jonans, nikkions, etc.

That's quite a few new particles in a compact space....STAND BACK PEOPLE!!!! --THIS SUCKER IS GONNA BLOW.

From this post forward, protective gear must be worn - and tongs used to touch anything. Carry on.
Let's not forget the highly unstable and volitile cassieon. While a true cassieon has never actually been observed, to my knowledge, if ever infact it should be, I suspect the effect would be somewhat like shooting the remaining particles out of a cannon (canon?).

and btw deagol - that is pure genius!
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Post by Ziola »

tricky-ticky-tavi wrote: From this post forward, protective gear must be worn - and tongs used to touch anything. Carry on.
I totally will not wear that hard hat thingy!! It messes up my hair and so does not go with my outfit!!
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