y'know for a while I was feeling a little guilty about my posts and my bitching.
I really thought it was me for a while. Now I see that the contributors (original word changed so not to offend) in here in are the same as the contributors (original word changed so not to offend) elswhere and the rational, facetious, sarcastic, intelligent and humorous here are the same as elswhere.
One question. How come this thread hasn't suffered the wrath of the moderator who will not be named lest he/she take immediate offense, and been locked/moved/renamed ?
Is there a secret handshake that allows some things to carry on and others to be "snipped"?
Taig wrote:How come this thread hasn't suffered the wrath of the moderator who will not be named lest he/she take immediate offense, and been locked/moved/renamed ?
Is there a secret handshake that allows some things to carry on and others to be "snipped"?
Wow, I actually agree with Taig. Who says God doesn't perform miracles anymore? I think the New Testament should be amended to include this most monumental and auspicious occasion.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
It was short and to the point but I must have said something I didn't mean.
and as for the New Testament...no need for amendments. I beleive in the book of Taig, Chapter 3,Verse 5 it says:
Yeah though you suffer no smart ass ye shall be condemned to the abyss of sensibility and know only that which is known to all lest ye be appreciative of the nonsense that is Taig and know most that is said is in jest but for the Word that is to be considered from my bosom to be the wisdom and light and not to be blasphemed
Taig wrote:I beleive in the book of Taig, Chapter 3,Verse 5 it says:
Yeah though you suffer no smart ass ye shall be condemned to the abyss of sensibility and know only that which is known to all lest ye be appreciative of the nonsense that is Taig and know most that is said is in jest but for the Word that is to be considered from my bosom to be the wisdom and light and not to be blasphemed
Piety demands that you don your velostatic vestment before quoting the sacred scriptures.
galatea024 wrote:I don't quite understand this 'post whoring' thing... could someone explain - new here - thanks -
A post whore is someone who ups their post count for whatever reason (bragging rights, new/custom user title...) using such tried and true methods like posting one word--"lol", "haha", "pwned"--or posting a smiley face. I've also read that another way to post whore is to copy and paste information, but I don't buy into that.