We know the the c's have never written a long, serialized, drama before. It shows...Danielle wrote:Bree's disregard for Jonas' feelings in this case doesn't make us mad at Bree's character, but mad at her writers. Too much assumptious writing has taken place, and I'm not just saying recently. I just think that now the months of sloppy charactization is now finally starting to be glaringly apparent.
The lack of realistic character development has been evident for a long time. We all change in reaction to the daily goings on of our lives. Do I wish that Bree had never had to leave her room? Yes, but that was why it was kinda compelling when she did...
These characters have been subjected to some fairly heady experiences, which would naturally mean that they should develop accordingly. Instead we get bizarre characterizations that just don't seem natural. I admit I find the Order plot hokey, but I find the character changes egregious.
I think the actors have done a good job with the material, especially Jackson. I think this is because the writers have done a more realistic job of developing his character than Bree and DB.
As for the "girls": Taylor seems to have gone from tom-boy soccer girl to dominatrix in sixty seconds flat. Weird, especially given that the actress appears to be fairly talented.
Sarah's character is just a cliche and the worst offender in Taig's original premise to this thread. Alex seems talented, but the writers are portraying her as the one-dimensional sex kitten with only a glimpse of "humanity". Yes, she is attractive so the actress pulls this off easily. But, I suspect she could develop the character if given the correct material.
Gemma was a nightmare of a character, though no fault of Jackie's. Nuff said.
So now we have young Spencer. Great start! I hope that Mesh has this opportunity to concentrate on a logical and meaningful development for him.