JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:And our first introduction to her existence was a view of her depressive bedroom door.
"Crazy Emo Chick" came before "I Know What Boys Like".
I totally agree that the emo thing is/was just a front. Personally I like the character Sarah has become. I really liked her pessimistic attitude, and I hope it doesn't disappear altogether, but not having her complaining all the time is a plus.
I compare her to Anya from Buffy.
1. Both have this snarky pessimistic attitude that I totally love.
2. Totally bluntly honest, even inappropriately so
3. Strange relationship with rodents (Anya: bunnies/Sarah: squirrels)
4. Hooking up with the dork of the series (although Spencer may end up with that title before long)
Yeah, you got... stuck a fish in the face.