Emailing Spencer Gilman

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Post by FeministPsych »

Eh, ignore Erica, Taylor. Sounds like Spencer might have been in the dark as to what his father and Bree's dad were doing to help Bree, but maybe he can at least help you track down old notes, formulas, etc. Keep it up!
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Post by suze900 »

Erica, time to run on home. Your mama's calling you.
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Post by voyboy »

You guys!!!!

Trainer101 worked his ass off making all those amazing Lg15 recap vids.
How could I have forgotten about those??? :smt076

One of you who have been talking to him send him this link!!!
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Post by New voice of reason »

Hi Taylor,

sometimes, the mail-approach is not enough. Personal confrontation often helps more to understand the urgency and the problem.

What about trying to find out his work-place and come to him after his work and ask there personally?

If money is the problem, we might make a collection here in the forum. It shouldn`t be, though, because Jonas has a lot of money left from his heritage, right?

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Post by New voice of reason »

Well, we don`t have a right, Erica, but we need all the help we can get, so we are desperate, that is our problem.

And no-one of us is convinced that Bree really has made her decision out of free will.

So, we need his help and we don`t know what else we can do.

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Post by marlasinger »

Damnit my delete key is broken AGAIN. So excuse my spelling errors if there are any, Taylor. Damn keyboards on these macbook pros keep coming apart, bloody things.


Erica has a point, and it's that we're dragging someone in head first to a very dangerous scenario. Sort of like how you were dragged into this, or Sarah, or DB. Jonas sort of volunteered - hey Jonas, you know you did, don't look at me like that.

If the Order didn't hesitate to kill both Isaac and Drew because they were going to meet concerning this research, how do we know that you guys aren't putting yourselves and Spence in extreme danger by talking about this stuff and meeting with him? I mean, the Order probably has a watchful eye on Spence already. We have to keep our heads on straight about this and make sure that Spence knows what he's getting into.

It's a tough balance. Really tough. I'm still messaging him, on message four now, we're bouncing back and forth and he's gone from "who are you i don't know you get away from me" basically, to "I'd love to help but I don't know how, what would you do?"

He's warming up to us, folks, and now is the time to tell him what we would do, and hope he follows our lead.

my love tastes a lot like tofu.

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Post by marlasinger »

double post. Taylor, I forgot to mention something that we ALL need to remember:

We've got to find out if he can help us - and if he CAN'T, then we've got to find out where the information on Isaac is being held, so we can get our hands on it - in the end, if we need someone to make a new serum, Spence can do it. He just needs the right information...and he might not be the source of that information, just the user of it. Know what I mean?
my love tastes a lot like tofu.

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Post by Brooklynxman »

So, thats a no go on the continued porn sign ups?

Are we sure he's straight, we could catch his attention with fetishes?

Okay, now Im gonna stop, but you gotta admit, it was an idea, he's a 22 year old male, what do you think he thinks about?


PS It wasnt me, I plead the fifth.

PPS edited the post, I spelled catch cath, stupid spelling
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Post by marlasinger »

Not sure if this will help anyone at all, but I've taken that chart you have there Taylor and turned it into a line graph, a little easier to read the trends now:

my love tastes a lot like tofu.

The Bree Solution.

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Post by megs229 »

Here is the email that I just sent Spencer:

Dear Mr. Gilman,

I feel that I should use Mr. Gilman since I am emailing you at work. Or have I mistaken all together, and your title is Dr. Gilman? Anyways, I have tried emailing you several times on Myspace and you have not responded so I figured I had no other choice than to email you here. I know that you have received a lot of emails from people telling you about Lg15 and to trust Daniel and all of that sorts. When I emailed you on Myspace, I did not mention any of this for fear of scaring you off, I tried to appeal to you on a level of friendship in hopes that you would trust me when I say what I am going to say later. However, you have not responded to my emails and from what I have read in the forums at, you have responded to those who have been repeatedly telling you to trust Daniel. I now figure that the best way to get a response from you is to tell you everything that I can think of to help you best understand the situation. I hope you will forgive me for this incredibly long email. Okay, so now to the point....
By now you have heard of Bree, Daniel, Jonas, Taylor, and Sarah. To make a long story sort of short, I will try to explain to the best of my ability. Bree is a young girl (17 I believe) that started video blogging on the Internet about a year ago. Daniel is her best friend and has been with her since the beginning of this. Bree always talked about how strict her parents were and how her religion was sooo important. She told us of how she was selected for a ceremony that her religion performed, and how it was a huge honor that she had been selected because they didn't do the ceremony but once in several years. She told us of how she was on a strict diet and how she had been receiving injections in order to prepare her properly. Daniel found all of this really weird and talked Bree into backing out of the ceremony, he also did some snooping and found a location with several boxes of Epogen and a symbol similar to that of the Wyman foundation. Bree's parents then talked to the Deacons of her church and asked that she be allowed to back out. The Deacons were not happy and told her that she was not allowed to back out. While Bree was out with Daniel one day, the Order (her religion, as we knew it then) came and took her parents away. Bree went back to the house and found a note in one of her stuffed animals from her dad that told her to stay with Daniel and to also stay away from the Order. Since that day, Bree and Daniel have been running from the order. Jonas came in contact with Bree through her video logs and offered them a place to hide along with a place to stay, money, etc. Through secret codes in her videos, Bree came in contact with her dad. She set up a meeting on December . At which time Bree learned that he was not her biological father. They left the meeting place to meet someone, and in the parking garage Bree's father (Drew Avery) was shot by the Order, he is now believed to be dead. Since that day Bree, Daniel and Jonas have still been running from the order. They have been kidnapped by a stranger who drugged them and tortured them (to what extent we do not really know, they don't remember anything). We believe that this person was part of the order, maybe he had gotten tired of waiting on Bree's free will. They were able to ecapes. The man chasing them was shot by a watcher. (The watchers have been there since the beginning, keeping an eye on Bree to ensure her "safety", it is important that she is not harmed in any way and also that she participate by her own free will in order for the ceremony to be proper.) Since then a lot more has happened. Mostly finding out that Jonas' parents were apart of a resistance against the order and that there was possibly a "new girl' for the ceremony. When an arrangement was made to meet with the people of the order, Bree walked up to them to talk and without any notification or reason at all she got into the car with them. Since then she has been brainwashed we believe. The guys managed to get her back but she acted as though she did not remember them and kept talking about strange stuff with the "Hymn of One" which is the real name of her religion. We believe that the Hymn of One is just a front and sort of a recruiting group to get people into The Order. Anyways, the guys found clues left by Bree's dad in the first note he left her. This led them back to the camp that Bree had attending for her religion last summer. There the guys found a box with a bunch of information in it about Bree that her dad had made. There was a notebook with a bunch of drawings about ribosome (i think) and stuff. This is where i think you can help them out. Bree was trait positive (for what we don't know, but it is why they want her). I believe that with your training in science that you will understand these drawings and notes. On a graph found in the box, there was a barcode, which Taylor traced back to the Wyman foundation.Here is one of the graphs that was in the box too.

550) {this.width = 550;}"

Also in this box was your Dad's name. The guys went to the Wyman foundation and were told that your dad did not work there anymore. They did a search for him on the internet and found some information that linked him to a health club. Jonas went there and asked about your dad. A lady at the desk told him that she could not talk to him about Isaac there but to meet her at her apartment. Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah met this lady at her home and found out that she used to be involved with your dad. If you follow this link: you can watch a video that will explain how she knew your father. This video also contains a recording from an answering machine that has your dad talking to Drew Avery about meeting up to give Bree her last shot on December 31st. He was supposed to pick you up on the way so that you could meet Bree. That is when your father died. I really don't think it was a coincidence that your father died on the same day that Bree's father died. They were soooo close to actually making her trait negative, I believe that the order found out about this and thought that by killing them both, that it would put an end to the whole deal. I don't know if maybe you have any notes that your father had made on how to make Bree trait negative or not. But I was thinking that Bree's dad was into science a lot too, so maybe the notes and drawings in the notebook would be enough for you to understand. I have seen the responses that you have written to others saying that you aren't sure what you can do, and also asking them what they would do. My suggestion is this: I really think that you can help these guys. Right now I think that you could possibly be their only hope. If I were you, I would at least give them a chance. Talk to them, either email them back or maybe even make a video of your own. Give them any information that you can about your father. Take a look at the drawings, notes, and charts that they have. I think that you could make sense of them. At least give them that much, if after talking to them and looking over everything, you don't think you can help them, then ok, at least you tried. But if not, could you live with yourself knowing that something awful may happen to this girl, and you could be the key to preventing it but you didn't take the chance. Please Spencer, just give them a chance! You can find anything that you would like to know about them by visiting and watching the videos, or entering and talking Daniel, Jonas, Sarah, or Taylor, or the other people out there who are trying so desperately to help Bree. Right now the Order, or the Hymn of One as they would like to call themselves have Bree. Someone from the inside of their organization has been sending hidden messages in her videos trying to help us help Bree. According to these messages we don't have very long. You may be her only hope, but how can you know until you try? Please just take a moment and talk to these people. If you don't want to meet them directly, just send an email, or even make a video blog of your own. I know you have a youtube account. I am pleading now Spencer. At least give in to the fact that I for one am desperate. I hope that all of this made things a little clearer for you and even more so I hope that you make up your mind to give these people a chance. If not I am sorry for bothering you, but I could not live with myself knowing that I didn't try to help Bree in every way possible. Have a good day, Spencer. I hope you hear from you soon.
Meg or forum member megs229

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Post by modelmotion »

Here is the conact info for :
Neutrogena Corp
5760 W 96th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Why dont you have Daniel go over there at 5pm and look for Spencer leaving the building? ... LG5AQ&cd=1
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Re: contact

Post by megs229 »

modelmotion wrote:Here is the conact info for :
Neutrogena Corp
5760 W 96th St
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Why dont you have Daniel go over there at 5pm and look for Spencer leaving the building? ... LG5AQ&cd=1
good idea. I think they just need to track him down. maybe if they confront him face to face, it will have a stronger impact on him
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Post by modelmotion »

Some info from Frank

Spencer as Neutrogena Employee of the Month for July
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Post by modelmotion »

Now he is on their web site they can't deny that he works there!
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Post by EricaCrowley »

You need to leave this guy alone. It is just not right for you to involve another person in this mess.

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