I Am Very Concerned! (and a Poll, Yeah!)
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- spaciegirlreturn
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sorry for posting before reading the entire thread and i may be missing its point but i think (and this is coming from someone who has never been a part of a forum)...
that people come and go....i've been around here a while and have left for short periods of time over the past year but have never completely left so i feel i can comment here.
i have been gone for five days and missed 3 videos and don't feel a need to read in "the videos" section on the videos i missed but still want to stay involved because i love the show so much. i'm not going to read every post of the last three videos but want to stay....i want to see the ending when it happens ~ I'm excited about it actually and very excited about kate modern. i am proud of the creators and am very happy to be involved in such a innovative project. this IS the future and we should all be happy to have played a part in it.
i just think people come and go...some people from the forum i have become friends with and still talk to them outside LG on myspace and such. life happens and sometimes the "internet" as addicting as it can be has to be shut off for a while and one must live....live a life outside of this forum.
but that being said new people have joined the forum and i have met a variety of new members ~ it has been a pleasure to see so many new faces. people that probably lurked in the past and just now are posting. i think LG is still thriving and will until the show ends. i think old posters may return from time to time...
this is just life...everything changes....it always has but i think we are all united in a way.
EDIT: United in a way that nobody (not even our family, friends, husbands, wives...whoever will ever understand)...thats pretty powerful and very exciting!
that people come and go....i've been around here a while and have left for short periods of time over the past year but have never completely left so i feel i can comment here.
i have been gone for five days and missed 3 videos and don't feel a need to read in "the videos" section on the videos i missed but still want to stay involved because i love the show so much. i'm not going to read every post of the last three videos but want to stay....i want to see the ending when it happens ~ I'm excited about it actually and very excited about kate modern. i am proud of the creators and am very happy to be involved in such a innovative project. this IS the future and we should all be happy to have played a part in it.
i just think people come and go...some people from the forum i have become friends with and still talk to them outside LG on myspace and such. life happens and sometimes the "internet" as addicting as it can be has to be shut off for a while and one must live....live a life outside of this forum.
but that being said new people have joined the forum and i have met a variety of new members ~ it has been a pleasure to see so many new faces. people that probably lurked in the past and just now are posting. i think LG is still thriving and will until the show ends. i think old posters may return from time to time...
this is just life...everything changes....it always has but i think we are all united in a way.
EDIT: United in a way that nobody (not even our family, friends, husbands, wives...whoever will ever understand)...thats pretty powerful and very exciting!
A ha! Drew Avery!betz28 wrote: THERE WAS SOMETHING THAT DREW "US' HERE...

In the year 2031 (that is, the 25th anniversary of lg15 being online, probably at the time of release of episode 4962, where Jonas and Bree's son Drew finds out what the Ceremony is), I hope I run across one of my forum friends accidentially in the real world and we laugh about ancient history. And the complaint threads will never be mentioned. The gaylien thread perhaps, but not the complaints.this is just life...everything changes....it always has but i think we are all united in a way.
- curiousGeorge
- Enthusiastic Fan
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- Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:25 pm
- Location: Rancor Cove
I knew they couldn't stay away for long!
An (obviously zombified) version or our missing poster has reappeared! I am so thrilled that once again we are going to be able to bear witness to the Power of the Post Count!
No doubt that the long line at the welfare office was indeed helpful in solving the associated Wardrobe Malfunction. Our mighty poster is now free of this burden and may return to her role, freshly financially subsidized by hard-working phorumites the nation over. Yeah!
The Zombiefication process seems not to have diminished this awesome poster's propensity for spewing venom and guile. My ace tracking agents had detected that the IQ of the average phorum posts will again take a plunge, but that is a small price to pay for us to bask in the Spawn of Shelob's mighty presence.
All hail the Queen of the Phorons!
No doubt that the long line at the welfare office was indeed helpful in solving the associated Wardrobe Malfunction. Our mighty poster is now free of this burden and may return to her role, freshly financially subsidized by hard-working phorumites the nation over. Yeah!
The Zombiefication process seems not to have diminished this awesome poster's propensity for spewing venom and guile. My ace tracking agents had detected that the IQ of the average phorum posts will again take a plunge, but that is a small price to pay for us to bask in the Spawn of Shelob's mighty presence.
All hail the Queen of the Phorons!
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
Now George...behave yourself. We are all tentatively grateful for the return of your personal goddess.
I remain cautious because zombification is a ploy often used by the gaylien to infiltrate our communities. Be careful. Be certain. She may not be what you think she is. Watch for lowered post rates, logical meaningful argument, sensible comments and general politeness and sociability. These are signs that you are not dealing with the actual person but some odd interpretation of what that pesrson was or should be
I remain cautious because zombification is a ploy often used by the gaylien to infiltrate our communities. Be careful. Be certain. She may not be what you think she is. Watch for lowered post rates, logical meaningful argument, sensible comments and general politeness and sociability. These are signs that you are not dealing with the actual person but some odd interpretation of what that pesrson was or should be
Hmmm...a thread loaded with personal attacks by both curiousGeorge and Taig, and yet not a fucking thing has been done. I have watched this thread progress and get worse by each post these two make, and yet it has been ignored.
I am assuming based on the fact that nobody has done anything about it, that personal attacks are ok as long as we don't mention names.....
So here I go...
This thread consists of a primate throwing his feces around. I should warn others who choose to jump on his bandwagon to be careful, nasty little monkeys not only eat feces, but they might get it on you. Has anyone else noticed that this primate has a little tool he is working with? One can only wonder who let the animal and it's tool out of it's cage. Perhaps I should start researching on my own.
eta: this thread has been here for 6 days. I personally will find it hard to swallow that this thread has been missed.
I am assuming based on the fact that nobody has done anything about it, that personal attacks are ok as long as we don't mention names.....
So here I go...
This thread consists of a primate throwing his feces around. I should warn others who choose to jump on his bandwagon to be careful, nasty little monkeys not only eat feces, but they might get it on you. Has anyone else noticed that this primate has a little tool he is working with? One can only wonder who let the animal and it's tool out of it's cage. Perhaps I should start researching on my own.
eta: this thread has been here for 6 days. I personally will find it hard to swallow that this thread has been missed.
- curiousGeorge
- Enthusiastic Fan
- Posts: 351
- Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:25 pm
- Location: Rancor Cove
Language please....
Other than that, thanks for contributing! Your most impressive post count tells me that you are indeed a dedicated phorumite and must be very concerned about our subject's fate.
Six days is like an eternity for a thread here at the phorum, thanks for perpetuating this thread and giving it the attention it deserves. I admit I had been captivated by the Creativity of the trolls and had not given this matter the attention it deserves. Proper phorum time management has always been an issue with me, thanks for getting me back on track!
I too share in your concerns, something surely must be done about Taig and his frivolity regarding this serious matter. He is a Jackal of the worst ilk and is obviously not the least concerned for our poster's fate. Shameless.
Other than that, thanks for contributing! Your most impressive post count tells me that you are indeed a dedicated phorumite and must be very concerned about our subject's fate.
Six days is like an eternity for a thread here at the phorum, thanks for perpetuating this thread and giving it the attention it deserves. I admit I had been captivated by the Creativity of the trolls and had not given this matter the attention it deserves. Proper phorum time management has always been an issue with me, thanks for getting me back on track!
I too share in your concerns, something surely must be done about Taig and his frivolity regarding this serious matter. He is a Jackal of the worst ilk and is obviously not the least concerned for our poster's fate. Shameless.
Uhhm, this seems a little off-topic but I appreciate your willing to share with us this dilemma. Yes, the quandary as to spitting or swallowing is an age old conundrum. I suggest you follow whatever practice best suits your current mood. I have seen both techniques used with great effectiveness. Good luck with your research, please keep us informed of your findings.Aithne wrote: I personally will find it hard to swallow
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
Oh My! Miss Aithne that was quite a mouthful! Surely you aren't serious!nasty little monkeys not only eat feces, but they might get it on you...I personally will find it hard to swallow
Personally, I have to agree with you about Curious George. The most curious thing about him is how he manages to find the letters on the keyboard when typically he has to close one eye just to see double. (pssst...i think he may drink a liittle shhhush)
I want to stay on topic here but first I too have to take a moment to recognize the herculian effort you have made providing the forum with your input. Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine entries since April ! Wow! That's really a lot to say! If all of those comments are as insightful and worthwile as the one above - well I'm just darned impressed that's all. That's a little better than a message an hour and probably as many words as have been spoken by Bree since the start. I'm just flabbergasted that I don't recognize your name.
Well anyway, back on topic. I don't think this thread is loaded with personal attacks. In fact I think it was CG's genuine concern that seeded the conversation. A noble thing from a primate such as he.
And, looking back quickly I see many nice things being said. Betz comment on our familial way; mising Gogo (which I must agree with - she was pretty cool! I understand she took off for points unkown witht that Space-Man Casinova Klaatu. I wonder how that's wworking out)
There are so many kind words here. I feel obligated to close with some kind words of my own. There is not a single person on this forum thatI wish would go away or be banned. There are many I still miss. They all contribute in their own way. Some better than others. Some more than others. Some brilliant, some...not so much.
When one or two go missing it upsets the balance and flow of things. CG's concern over Phrank and Phrannie Phorumite and the many others who joined in here is indicative of the love to be found.
A question for you Aithne. Have you found your song?
It is a beautiful world.
- curiousGeorge
- Enthusiastic Fan
- Posts: 351
- Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:25 pm
- Location: Rancor Cove
That indeed was a mouthful of meaningful posting Taig. I will ignore all of your attempts at slandering my character as this is just an obvious ploy to further the shameless self promotion of your twisted agenda.
As I remember, you (and that rascal Apo) were quite obsessed with "praying" issues and their related mysterious entities from the great beyond. Even the esteemed gogo was brought into this lurid line of discussion that is so closely related to the swallowing issue referenced above.
I also see that you have seen fit to reference your user name with a most insensitive racial slur. I suspect that you are indeed not of this particular group and that (as always) you have some dastardly ulterior motive to promote. I admit, I am not quite sure of your intentions but I view all of your posts with the greatest of suspicions.
I'm also getting a whiff of sockpuppetry (not to be confused with the most recent delightful trolls or our dear P. Monkey) and I hope this most reprehensible practice does not become pervasive in this learned investigation.
As I remember, you (and that rascal Apo) were quite obsessed with "praying" issues and their related mysterious entities from the great beyond. Even the esteemed gogo was brought into this lurid line of discussion that is so closely related to the swallowing issue referenced above.
I also see that you have seen fit to reference your user name with a most insensitive racial slur. I suspect that you are indeed not of this particular group and that (as always) you have some dastardly ulterior motive to promote. I admit, I am not quite sure of your intentions but I view all of your posts with the greatest of suspicions.
I'm also getting a whiff of sockpuppetry (not to be confused with the most recent delightful trolls or our dear P. Monkey) and I hope this most reprehensible practice does not become pervasive in this learned investigation.
All Your Base are Belong to Bukanator
- silverblue
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- Posts: 256
- Joined: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:19 am
- Location: A land down under
Oh, ffs.
I love sarcasm when it's clever, but the use of sarcasm and mocking in this thread to covertly insult community members is just... icky, imo. I don't think this is clever at all.
Is it ok to ridicule folks if their names aren't mentioned, though many are perfectly clear on who's being referred to?

I love sarcasm when it's clever, but the use of sarcasm and mocking in this thread to covertly insult community members is just... icky, imo. I don't think this is clever at all.
Is it ok to ridicule folks if their names aren't mentioned, though many are perfectly clear on who's being referred to?

Yeah, you'd better run!
I believe this thread was locked and sent to the trash as a result of that next to last post from CG on wednesday. Notice how there's nothing more until this morning. I'd like to know how come it was unlocked and sent back here. Can a moderator speak up?
I hope this post doesn't get removed for discussing moderator actions (or inactions).
I hope this post doesn't get removed for discussing moderator actions (or inactions).
- Broken Kid
- Site Admin
- Posts: 5214
- Joined: Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:33 am
It should not be ok to ridicule people, sarcastic or with the intent of humor or otherwise.silverblue wrote:I love sarcasm when it's clever, but the use of sarcasm and mocking in this thread to covertly insult community members is just... icky, imo. I don't think this is clever at all.
There's a fine line on a forum like this between over- and under-moderation. I think we've all seen recently that no matter what action a moderator takes, someone will be displeased. Previously, I did not think this thread crossed the line when it was more focused on humor than antagonism, and a warning was enough to keep things from getting out of control. Now that the posts are more thinly veiled, I think it's crossed the line and will lock it.
There's been a lot of hostility lately in the C&C section of the forum. It's very unfortunate, because it reflects poorly on the forum as a whole. In general, this is a really enjoyable, welcoming, and positive place.
President of the Owen Fan Club