I am indeed concerned though that several prominent phans are missing in action, apparently in some kind of collusion

Ahhh the humanity!
As the longestrunningposter on this phorum, I an saddened by this most unfortunate of events... Are we not to be treated to any more self-serving blathering about slutty hawwwtness or mindless attempts to up the (oh so important) post count?
Many a phorumite has come and gone in my time here. I miss them with deep affection and regret that they no longer care to play our reindeer games. Is it possible that these individuals have finally figured out there was no way in hell that they were EVER going to sleep with an LG cast member and decided that life was just not worth living anymore?
Ahhh the humanity!
I am desperately seeking clues as their whereabouts and especially their motives. Please, don't let them be gone, who will I have left to make fun of now?!?