1. Children are placed with "adopted" parents.
2. There's a ceremony performed for the elderly, etc. called the "Ceremony of Release."
3. Hearing music is considered to be a special gift. In trying to achieve "Sameness" certain genetic traits are considered to be anomalies and these mark certain people out, either positively or negatively. In Jonas' case, he can see color, and his Giver can hear music. This marks them out as being good candidates to be Receivers of Memory. They refer to as Capcity to See Beyond.
4. Emotions are suppressed (perhaps the "brainwashing" in Bree?)
5. The point of the whole exercise to achieve utopia.
These are just a few of the things I found, mostly from Wikipedia. (It's been a few years since I've read it

What does everyone else think? Something here?