0212 - "Like A Virgin" [6/13/07]

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Post by girlnextdoor »

Leaven wrote:
girlnextdoor wrote:I know they're trying to buy time till Jess is back but why put in a storyline like this when it doesn't really add anything - and more to the point isn't a very realistic reaction?
That's what I'm trying to figure out. Is Jessica actually gone filming another project or is this just what the creators are writing? It seems all the projects we know about she has finished filming?
Maybe she's just as sick of this kind of drivel as we are.
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Post by giddeanx »

K someone asked about the sped up bits in the movie.

At 48 seconds (this is the most interesting) if you slow it down you hear stage directions. Oops.

At 62 it is just the mexican hat dance.

At 77 there is a short laugh but i didn't waste time on it.
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Post by GrrlyDervish »

I honestly think Jonas has brought most of this on himself.

1.He claims he doesn't care that Sarah filmed the kissing in fact he's kinda glad, right? So I think that absolves Sarah for being a touch invasive of privacy.

2. He posts a video called "the morning after" claiming "last night was amazing", whilst LAYING IN BREE'S BED HALF NAKED. Seriously, I would be so amazingly pissed if I was in Bree's shoes (even without the Brainwashing part).

Think about it. You make love to someone who really is the love of your life. You're just crazy about her...as soon as she goes to take a shower you make a video more than implying that you got it on????? Tasteless and just setting himself up for trouble.

THEN (as has already been said) he takes the video camera into the bathroom where she is supposedly showering (assume naked) and then posts just how wrong and used he was for EVERYONE to see.

3. He mopes, he whines, he lashes out, he goes crazy. He lashes out again.

Yes, some slack should be cut for Jonas. He feels betrayed, used, and is dealing with heartache and worry for Bree. BUT everyone else is worried/hurting for their own reasons as well. PLUS if the shift from flirty friend to girlfriend came post brainwash then its probably mostly a lie/all in Jonas' head. She wasn't herself (until someone proves differently)

Jonas is going crazy and Daniel is probably a little tired of chasing after Bree. Wouldn't you be???

Jonas is being hyper-critical of everyone claiming that they aren't helping enough to find Bree. The opinion of everyone else is that Jonas obsessiveness and super emotional behavior are NOT helping them find Bree, only hindering. He's being counter productive it seems.

I think Sarah DOES want to find Bree. I also think this whole Bree/Jonas hookup-but-bad-ending reminds her a LOT of her parents splitting up. She cares about both (she's just not the type to SHOW her emotions) and they're having BAD relationship problems resulting in one taking off. Dunno...

Seriously, for anyone who thinks this vid was less about blatant sex appeal/titillation Y'all need to get your eyes checked.

This was by FAR the most provocative of the recent angsty videos.

16year old girl (thats an estimate based on Sarah being 18 ) + short skirt + dressed up as a severe looking teacher + riding crop/whip....yowza

But, I do sort of like the slow down in "action" to deal with character development and meta-plot. This whole series of vids has been entertaining. Sort of a back to the beginning of LG15 when Bree and Daniel had mini fights over YouTube. :wink: All we need is "proooooving The Order wrong" :P

Oh wow is this long....NOBODY is gonna read all this...boohoo

Edit: random inadvertant smilie
Last edited by GrrlyDervish on Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Sheqinah »

giddeanx wrote:As much as I enjoy the headmistress routine(ignoring the fact that yet again I feel like a dirty old man for watching a video :lol:). Was this trip really necessary.

I had thought the Jonas was the most competent of the crew, but Jonas is feeling, I am sure, very isolated. He has now had two very important people in his life betray him.(Alex and Bree) His parents are gone.(possibly) Now everyone is turning against him. He grasped for Taylor in a last ditch effort then this. You could tell that Jonas was on the edge before this, where do you think this will leave him.

None of them are acting like adults, but how can you expect them to none of them are adults. They need to focus stop this squaballing and find Bree. There time could be better spent there. If ever this team need a mentor and leader it would be now.
He is not exactly feeling the love from Daniel either. :smt028 And all his feelings about his own parents, his own family, Aunt Alex, giving up his own home and life to help Bree, caring about Bree and even probably being in love with her, not knowing what the heck happened... no closure, no real clues to work on, and a couple of heartless mean spirited sisters... that is quite a load to carry,

Keep in mind that Jonas is the one paying for Sarah's room and board while she discovers herself at his expense. [-X
Last edited by Sheqinah on Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BlogGirl14 »

sarah DOES want to help
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Post by Marbella »

I agree with GrrlyDervish. That was a pretty good synopsis of how I feel about Jonas right now. Thanks.
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Post by GrrlyDervish »

Marbella wrote:I agree with GrrlyDervish. That was a pretty good synopsis of how I feel about Jonas right now. Thanks.

Actually, I find that I almost always agree with your point of view, Marbella. :lol:
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Post by kellylen »

Marbella wrote:I agree with GrrlyDervish. That was a pretty good synopsis of how I feel about Jonas right now. Thanks.

marbella is it possible that Jonas has unresolved anger issues?
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by HeatherAnneDear »

yay! taylor's back!
however, the ridingcrop...a bit much....
sarah is an idiot!
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Post by kgurl84 »

Just woke up this morning (at 12:30 in the afternoon actually.....curse being up too late on these forums!!!) and I'm not gonna read through all the pages but I thought this video was hilarious and very SMRT of Taylor. While Sarah blantantly put out there what happened and how Jonas should just get over it, Taylor put a spin on it and didn't say or spell FUN a million times in her video :wink:

Overall, awesome video, hilarious and I hope to see more of Taylor in the furture!!! :D
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Post by sparkybennett »

BlogGirl14 wrote:sarah DOES want to help
I'm wondering what you are basing this on?
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Post by numbvox »

Leaven wrote:
numbvox wrote:
Leaven wrote:Hi guys. I have a quick question. Throughout the forums I keep reading people talking about Jessica not being available cos she's off filming. What exactly is she off filming? Did she score a big role or something? I thought she just had a small part in a tv show or something, which shouldn't be taking up that much of her time. I'm a bit confused.

Also... hated this. It's very out of character and gave us no new info aside from the fact that Taylor is even stupider and bitchier than previously thought. Yeah, we know Jonas is taking Bree ditching him hard. Yeah, we know Sarah is slutty because she has problems with her parents divorce. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
It was important to see that through all of Taylor's bitching, she still loves her sister enough to not let anyone else bring her down. Character development. That's all this simple little video was.

As for Jessica - Wiki say:
"She is currently signed by UTA and has been cast for a role in the 2007 Chris Sivertson film I Know Who Killed Me which co-stars Lindsay Lohan. Also according to IMDb, she recently finished filming Perfect Sport, directed by first-time director Anthony O'Brien, in which she played Tina."

So she's probably filming IKWKM.
I'm pretty sure IKWKM is finished filming since it's being released in July.
Then there is the post-production stuff to be done. From last minute edits to promotional work, usually when you're on a film you're working on it in some capacity right up until opening night.
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Post by mellie3204 »

giddeanx wrote:As much as I enjoy the headmistress routine(ignoring the fact that yet again I feel like a dirty old man for watching a video :lol:). Was this trip really necessary.

I had thought the Jonas was the most competent of the crew, but Jonas is feeling, I am sure, very isolated. He has now had two very important people in his life betray him.(Alex and Bree) His parents are gone.(possibly) Now everyone is turning against him. He grasped for Taylor in a last ditch effort then this. You could tell that Jonas was on the edge before this, where do you think this will leave him.

None of them are acting like adults, but how can you expect them to none of them are adults. They need to focus stop this squaballing and find Bree. There time could be better spent there. If ever this team need a mentor and leader it would be now.
Very much agree :smt045
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Post by BlogGirl14 »

sparkybennett wrote:
BlogGirl14 wrote:sarah DOES want to help
I'm wondering what you are basing this on?
on the vid she made she actually wanted to help
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Post by numbvox »

Yeah I agree that Sarah's trying to help. Maybe she's being a little too blunt, but I think that's what Jonas needs. She's basically just saying to him that moping around isn't helping anything - he needs to suck it up, either realize it was just sex or otherwise move on, and move to productively looking for Bree without being totally clouded in emotion.
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