HeartofSorrow wrote:Esteed incase you forgoten back when they grabbed Julie. Jonas was snapping and this is sending him to the edge, and all Sarah is doing is trying to push him over it. If Jonas is going to jump let him jump, but, he shouldn't be pushed. I've been their enough of times to know what I'm talking about. Even when people think they are pulling their actually pushing. He needs to be left alone, but, not completely.
Daniel and Sarah should just keep an eye on him every once in a while to make sure he doesn't hurt himself before trying to get him back.
Honestly they're to close. Someone from the outside that he knows should talk to him because of that way they could be objective while not end up hurting him. That's what I did few times. I found someone that knows me but isn't close to help me because their words didn't make me feel worse when they thought they were making me feel better.
It's not exactly easy to explain but I hope everyone understands what I'm saying.
Hey Sorrow? It's not that hard to understand. I tried to hang myself from my ceiling fan when I was in high school. I know what it's like to be on that edge. I know what it's like to fall off of it. Sarah is
not trying to push him off that edge. She is trying to help. Just because her methods aren't the gentle coddling approach doesn't mean she's hating on him. In her own way, she
is trying to help him.
In case you forgot, I was right there with Jonas on the whole kidnapping thing. I'm not tearing into him because I don't like him. I'm tearing into him because
he deserves it. If you notice, I didn't tear into him too much before he released the video where he freaks out on Sarah and Daniel. Even then I only tore into him a little. The email to Taylor is what caused me to start calling him Captain Emo.
The truth is I like Jonas quite a bit. Which is why I hate seeing him turning into a dick. I'm hoping that enough people will point out to him that he's being completely unfair to quite a few people that he'll actually get it through his head.