immortal1 wrote:1. Daniel kidnapped by the Order -Daniel brainwashed - Daniel rescued
2. Jonas tied up by BD- Jonas escapes
3. BDJ kidnapped by Order - psychological warfare - BDJ escapes
3. Julia kidnapped by BDJ - Julia escapes
4. Bree taken by HoO - Bree brainwashed - Bree rescued - Bree escapes
Anyone else have deja vu? I think we've clearly established that whenever anyone is taken by the Order they do something to them and whenever the TAAG holds anyone against their will they escape.
It just feels like we keep covering the same ground.
tastykakes wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:
immortal1 wrote:
I don't know, how about tying up a few loose ends.
that list is so depressing .......
awww don't be too depressed... if the loose ends were tied up, they'd probably just escape, too!
"Would you rather be dumber than you look or look dumber than you are?" -Jonas
"Do I look like the kind of girl who wears socks?" -Sarah
The Hymn of One is fun!
Hooray for Orange Slurpees!
Go to my YouTube!
HeartofSorrow wrote:Beckers, I see why you say she was mean. But you are a little out of line about her not being sexy in that outfit. I wish half the teachers I had in high school looked that way. Then my grades would have went up.
Your "grades"? Is that what you call it?
Raspberry Lemonade Slurpees!
Daniel, Ma Belle and all its inhabitants (past and present) own my heart.
saralynn wrote:Lg15 forumites are so feisty these past few videos. Every thread has a prize of an argument inside. Limited where prohibited, no purchase necessary.
RoseCrowley wrote:Where in the world, not Carmen Sandiego....BREE! Well I think I might have found the place...she's got to be at the San Jacinto Mountains, southern California; (this scene typifies a geomorphic landscape underlain by plutonic rocks of granitic composition.)
Let me know what you think?
Skunkwaffle wrote:Think maybe this is a drop?
Maybe someone is supposed to go to big bear and retrieve... well.. Bree...
Also came across this one to.
deagol wrote:
TOSG wrote:Well, according to Carl, The Hymn of One is fun.
And according to Sarah, Sex is fun.
Thus, as brightsilence pointed out, by the transitive property, The Hymn of One is sex.
Taking this further, by the reflexive property, Sex is the Hymn of One.
Thus, since Bree just had sex, she is therefore with the Hymn of One.
(Wow, I'm ashamed at the math nerdery I displayed right there)
Sorry TOSG, but your syllogism is flawed.
My dog is a mammal
My wife is a mammal
Therefore, my wife is my dog (or rather, my bitch )
/me aint ashamed of trumping your math nerdery anytime
Last edited by VeiwerZane on Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
"Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes joined Victoria Beckham, all wearing their sunglasses at night, to cheer on David Beckham at a Real Madrid game on Sunday."
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:Oh, goody! Another website! Maybe now we can all audition to become Doctors of Oncology!! Yay!
Well, this video helped lessen my sudden hate for the creators, lol.
But only a little. Because I still hate Taylor and she still hasn't redeemed herself for that stupid whip video, so yes. She has pretty edit skills, but I would still hate her if she lived next door.
Bree's back with the Order. What a surprise. I wonder how long it will be until she busts back out again. 1 day? 3 days? Maybe even a few hours.
With the way she comes and goes sometimes I wonder if the Order has a cat flap installed on the kitchen door and Bree just wanders in and out for a little sing song every now and then.
If I were them, I'd tie that child down in a lead box now that they finally have her back again. O_o Screw free will, I'm sick of her coming and going. Bree, do the damn ceremony! Or tell the Creatatrons to stop having her bounce around like a pin ball.
Charles Phoenix wrote: this could have easily presented the important information as a written blog or another email or maybe a actorless video with pictures and it bieng a recorded voicemail that taylor left DJS a la tigerlilylynn style (which in my opinion would have been more entertaining than this) ... making it a video was bit of a waste of my time... i mean... it distracted me from my ice cream...
OMG LMAO! I’m posting this in BEST POSTS EVAH!!
If something I've said can be interpreted in two ways.....and one of them offends you .....I meant the other one.
Faction: Le Resistance!