ApotheosisAZ wrote:Lurker wrote:curiousGeorge wrote:As I found this video just frankly appalling in it's implications and suggestions, I do hope that is the case. BUT...
Here we go again boyz and girlz: The Order/Hymn of Juan does NOT watch the videos, so there is no way logical way that this can be a ploy.
Who Sees What Indeed...
While I doubt that this was a ploy, it's been emphasized more than enough that the Order does watch the videos. Heck, one particular development in the plot required it (Bree telling Lucy to e-mail her about a location to trade herself for Daniel).
It is the old argument.
I gotta say it again: there are people in The Order and The Hymn of One who see the vids. Those people keep the knowledge to themselves.
They are either jockeying for power withing the Organization, or they are Resistance infiltrators. They use the intelligence for their own purposes.
I think you both see it as all or nothing; it isn't in black or white. This is a grey area.
Not everyone in The Order sees the videos, and those who do don't share the info.
Whether everyone sees them or not (and I still continue to think that at least everyone
important in the Order sees them, including everyone across the various factions or philosophies), cG seemed to be suggesting that no one does.
chevalier wrote:kellylen wrote:
ive hated jonas ever since he kissed bree and i wanted to smash his face in.
Why? Because he totally took advantage of a brainwashed, possibly still underage girl who was not properly socialized and emotionally unstable to begin with, or because he then bragged about it on video?


He was the one taken advantage of, though.
Charles Phoenix wrote:beast said they hooked up... which alludes to either a shag or a snog... that one was a little up in the air as well
To a lot of people "hooked up" means "started dating." That's where a lot of confusion came from with that DB vid, I think. Even though Beast only said that they hugged and kissed, and even said "It's not what you think," some people still took the "hooked up" as implying sex. I guess it depends on where you live and how the phrase is used there.