and I don't think anyone in the forum is snobbish in nature.
well, there you're wrong BK...I am a complete snob.
this thread got negative fast...from the second post. Basically, the forum doesn't operate like the comments page, and that's leading to hurt feelings.
You shouldn't be upset when your post isn't replied to within an hour. On the forum, especially when a video has recently come out, that's really not a very long time at all. Basically, I think people didn't have anything constructive to add, so they didn't reply. Did you really want 22 replies of "gee that sucks"?
I haven't noticed cliques on here. As you can see, I've only been posting for a little over a month in here. People reply to my posts when I say something interesting, sometimes my topic doesn't get a reply, sometimes the replies are angry. It's a busy forum, people have strong ideas, or some times an idea just isn't new or interesting. Oh well. I'm not friends with people on here, and I don't really see a lot of people being exclusive on here. Sure, people have off-board private chats/emails/etc., but those alliances don't really seem to get in the way of thoughtful analysis of the plot, clues, puzzles, character development and the myriad various discussions that occur on this forum.
I think you came on here with a preconceived notion that the forum is still the same place it once was. I lurked for quite a while before I started posting on here (months and months), and I do think the forum has become much more welcoming as of late. "Popular" posters are generally treated that way because they contribute well to the conversation, not because they're friends with the right people.
This got long and rambling, but I hope you understand what I am getting at.
Essentially, you will make your own experience on here. If you come in expecting to be treated poorly and lash out, it will be the response you will receive.