How does Daniel feel about Bree?

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How does DB feel about Bree?

He is still in love with her.
He has taken on more of a "Big Brother" role.
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How does Daniel feel about Bree?

Post by voyboy »

Just wondering what everyones opinion on DB's feelings for Bree was now.
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Post by BrightSilence »

I do believe he is over her. And he probably wants to help but feels threatened by Jonas on that point. Looks like Jonas isn't giving him any space to talk to Bree either.
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Post by voyboy »

BrightSilence wrote:I do believe he is over her. And he probably wants to help but feels threatened by Jonas on that point. Looks like Jonas isn't giving him any space to talk to Bree either.
Yah. I do hope that Jonas and DB dont fight or get into it. I would hate to see those two "break up" or whatever.

Although, I would imagine it would leave the door open to some great bits (comedy) between the two. But only for a while. They are too funny together.
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Post by Inigo »

Yeah I think he loves her.

His relationship with Sarah is more fisical IMO. I'd like to see those ...erm... physics in action.
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Post by Libra »

I don't think it's either option, honestly.

When he says BEST FRIEND, he means it. He doesn't act brotherly towards her, nor is he in love with her.

You need more options here :P
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Post by hella »

it seems like bree is intentionally turning them against each other!

Post by Lurker »

I definitely think he's over Bree romantically. From the time in "Hungover" that he said he was moving on to look into other girls, he seems to have stuck with that. When he was with Alex, he seemed all about Alex.

He didn't really care that Bree had gone off with Tachyon, and he didn't make a move to help her out of the feud with Jonas (he said that she got herself into it and could get herself out, whereas he always wanted to solve her problems for her before). He also put his attention on Alex instead of Bree when Lucy and some other Order goons showed up in "The Perfect Beach."

Also, when he was drunk (which let him be brutally honest) and expressed all of his gripes, he said this: "I'm sorry that I'm not this good-looking guy that can have ... second she sees him and forget about her best-friend and ... and just forget! And move past it and then when I finally, finally find someone else that's, that's kinda real to me, I'm sorry that she was fake too."

I really don't think Daniel's hung up on Bree romantically any longer, nor has he been for a while. I think he might still be jealous of Jonas in the sense that Jonas has gained the best friend position, but that's as far as it goes.
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Post by megabyte »

Lurker wrote:I definitely think he's over Bree romantically. From the time in "Hungover" that he said he was moving on to look into other girls, he seems to have stuck with that. When he was with Alex, he seemed all about Alex.

He didn't really care that Bree had gone off with Tachyon, and he didn't make a move to help her out of the feud with Jonas (he said that she got herself into it and could get herself out, whereas he always wanted to solve her problems for her before). He also put his attention on Alex instead of Bree when Lucy and some other Order goons showed up in "The Perfect Beach."

Also, when he was drunk (which let him be brutally honest) and expressed all of his gripes, he said this: "I'm sorry that I'm not this good-looking guy that can have ... second she sees him and forget about her best-friend and ... and just forget! And move past it and then when I finally, finally find someone else that's, that's kinda real to me, I'm sorry that she was fake too."

I really don't think Daniel's hung up on Bree romantically any longer, nor has he been for a while. I think he might still be jealous of Jonas in the sense that Jonas has gained the best friend position, but that's as far as it goes.
I'll have to say that you present a very valid point there Lurker. I mentioned the same thing on another thread, DB is actively trying to move on. However, those kind of feelings tend to linger for some time, months, maybe even years. But I give him the benefit of the doubt and see his resposes as those of a concerned friend. I am, however, a firm believer that beast will settle down with Sarah, at least for now. So it's cool for now
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Post by pandababy »

i think a part of him still has feelings for bree, and that's a major reason why he seems to feel threatened by jonas. ((also the fact that whenever anyone strikes at bree and jonas, he tries a little too hard to convince them they're "just friends." Like he's trying to convince himself.))

but i also think a part of him really is only looking for the best friend in bree again, trying to find it in her somewhere. and the closer she gets to jonas, the farther she gets from him.

so it could really go both ways.
hella wrote:it seems like bree is intentionally turning them against each other!
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Post by pandababy »

whoops, didn't reply to the quote! :roll:
it seems like bree is intentionally turning them against each other!
that's an interesting twist! although it would really tear me up if it were true D:
but she does seem to be turning into one of the bad guys, huh?
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Post by voyboy »

Libra wrote:I don't think it's either option, honestly.

When he says BEST FRIEND, he means it. He doesn't act brotherly towards her, nor is he in love with her.

You need more options here :P
Yah well. I didnt want to hear everyones life story so I made it black or white.

LOLOL you know im just playing lol!
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Post by ChelseaF »

I think he's over her. They're just friends. He understands that she doesn't want more than that.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I kinda feel like she pushed him away. He still calls her his best friend, but there's too much distance as far as we've seen. After all the crap Bree pulled on him, and all the other bullshit that happened with the HoO and Jonas and all this, I don't see how they can return to the status they had last summer.

It makes me sad. I miss their little playdates.
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Post by consideration »

I think everyone in the series will die except Daniel and Bree and they will get married.
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Post by Libra »

voyboy wrote:
Yah well. I didnt want to hear everyones life story so I made it black or white.

LOLOL you know im just playing lol!
What? Don't lie. I think you do :P
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