I have a lot of quoting to do. LoL.
Lurker wrote:I know I'm the obvious one to say this, but I don't think Daniel is jealous in the sense that he still wants Bree. I really didn't get that from this at all.
If he's jealous, I think it would be in the sense that he was Bree's friend first and they used to have a connection somewhat like the she has with Jonas now (though it seems the one she has with Jonas is stronger than the old one she had with DB).
In any case, I think this video and the previous one have presented us with the idea that both Daniel and Jonas are going about things in the wrong way. DB gets too frustrated with Bree and yells at her, which isn't going to help. Jonas is more fixated on making a love connection than considering the bigger picture.
I think that's what we're supposed to take from it. At least that's what I have. They're both right and wrong in their own ways.
Anyway, great video. The segment with P. Monkey had me cracking up. Fucking hilarious.
I totally agree, and couldn't have said it better myself.
As someone else said, Daniel and Jonas need to sit down like grown-ups and settle this. Then they need to get someone in there who knows what the f**k they're doing. I understand that they don't want to pull someone else into it, but sometime's there's no other option.
Melasis wrote:Anyway, the rivalries between DB/Sarah and Jonas/Bree have become apparent. It seems now it's a square-off of 2 vs. 2; DB and Sarah ignoring Bree and believing she'll come around in her own time - whilst Jonas is actively trying to comfort LG; only to possiblity be manipulated?
It definitely feels like there's a rift going on in the group, and if they don't address it head-on, something bad could happen.
selena wrote:Wellllll... The thing is, Sarah invited herself to California at a time when everyone knew the guys were in crisis-mode over Bree being gone. You can't just *show up* at someone's house without invitation, without warning, while their best friend is in danger, and say, "How rude of you not to pay attention to me!"
You might've meant this jokingly, but I actually agree, and I think that's why it's hard for me to like Sarah sometimes, even though I honestly do try.
As for the Bree-is-manipulating-Jonas thing, I definitely think it could work. It would make sense, and be a good plot twist.
Laurin_B wrote:Let me just reiterate what has been said a few hundred times. I think the Creators have a very strong East Coast bias. Whenever a new video is released, I don't see it til the morning after (since it's usually at night) and then I have to read through 17 pages of posts to see if someone has already thought what I thought. ::breath::
I know, I have the same problem. Usually it's 10 or 11 at night in my time zone (Central) before the video is posted, and by the time I get to watch it (with all the loading my computer makes me do) I have to wait until the next day to read the thread.
Charles Phoenix wrote:voyboy wrote:No I think he needs a haircut.
i second that one
I third.