0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]

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Post by kristenjane »

I dont think Jonas is taking advantage.. He is helping
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Post by seek_inspiration »

Lurker wrote:I know I'm the obvious one to say this, but I don't think Daniel is jealous in the sense that he still wants Bree. I really didn't get that from this at all.

If he's jealous, I think it would be in the sense that he was Bree's friend first and they used to have a connection somewhat like the she has with Jonas now (though it seems the one she has with Jonas is stronger than the old one she had with DB).

In any case, I think this video and the previous one have presented us with the idea that both Daniel and Jonas are going about things in the wrong way. DB gets too frustrated with Bree and yells at her, which isn't going to help. Jonas is more fixated on making a love connection than considering the bigger picture.

I think that's what we're supposed to take from it. At least that's what I have. They're both right and wrong in their own ways.

Anyway, great video. The segment with P. Monkey had me cracking up. Fucking hilarious.
Agreed. On everything.
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Post by Lurker »

longlostposter wrote:
Inigo wrote:Ugh Piggyback rides. Is this all we're ever gonna see out of all relationships? how about some making out or something?
No shit.
Seriously. We need somebody (specifically Sarah and Daniel) getting it on, dammit.
Misty wrote:
Onewen wrote:
Inigo wrote:Ugh Piggyback rides. Is this all we're ever gonna see out of all relationships? how about some making out or something?
Totally agree...we've hung on long enough...get on with it already!! Nothing gross...please! :wink:
I'm sick of all the Jonas an bree, romantice bullshit. Doesn't any one else recognizes the difference between affection and romance. Jonas' is treating Bree the way he would treat a little sister.
I don't think so, Misty. Back in "1500 Miles" he talked about thinking that "she was starting to like me too." And then there was his "I'm going to pretend I didn't heart that" reaction to Daniel asking if he thought the Order would marry Bree off. I think Jonas definitely wants her.
Last edited by Lurker on Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wh_pirate »

OK. I just got home and forums are lagging. Already on page 3. :shock: Where is the link for the new vid? I've been refreshing and refreshing and still no thumbnail. What's up?!
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Post by longlostposter »

Onewen wrote:
Misty wrote:
Onewen wrote: Totally agree...we've hung on long enough...get on with it already!! Nothing gross...please! :wink:
I'm sick of all the Jonas an bree, romantice bullshit. Doesn't any one else recognizes the difference between affection and romance. Jonas' is treating Bree the way he would treat a little sister. And my money is on them actually being brother and sister. So do you really want to see Jonas fucking his sister?
Oh settle down! I said "nothing gross"...I don't know if they are brother and sister (no one does...)... I am a FAN just like you are and I can hope for what I want. I don't want to see them going for it...geez!

*tries to pull my head out of your throat* ahem!
LMAO, Onewen.
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Post by Onewen »

longlostposter wrote:
Onewen wrote:
Misty wrote: I'm sick of all the Jonas an bree, romantice bullshit. Doesn't any one else recognizes the difference between affection and romance. Jonas' is treating Bree the way he would treat a little sister. And my money is on them actually being brother and sister. So do you really want to see Jonas fucking his sister?
Oh settle down! I said "nothing gross"...I don't know if they are brother and sister (no one does...)... I am a FAN just like you are and I can hope for what I want. I don't want to see them going for it...geez!

*tries to pull my head out of your throat* ahem!
LMAO, Onewen.
Thanks Juli <333 *mwah* :wink:
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Post by Hannahbee »

i agree with Lurker that they're both going about it kind of wrong. the thing is, if they would just sit down and talk about it like rational adults, the might be able to come to some better solutions. i think DB and jonas both have some very valid points in their videos, they're just not putting enough consideration into each other's positions. if i were where jonas was right now, and my options were (1) leave bree alone in a trance-like state staring out a window in her room or (2) let her cling to me like a lost puppy (well, maybe a little more romantically than a lost puppy...) and actually see her smile and walk and RESPOND to things, i'd definitely be doing the same thing. i think that daniel's refusing to think about that because it hurts him that HE can't be the one she's responding to like that. in that way, he IS jealous IMO, but i still don't really take this video to be him whining or lying. he's not romantically jealous, so i think he's still being very sincere and the things he says in the end ARE true... he just needs to learn to be patient and communicate with the people around him.

anyway, that's my 2 cents- i tried to keep it brief- feel free to rip it apart

by the way, there's some really great advice on "deprogramming" coming up in the video threads- is any of it being passed along to the guys in IC chat? i haven't checked in awhile.
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Post by KatieInWonderland »

P. Monkey completed my life.

I really don't think Daniel is helping that much though. I think Jonas's way of bringing Bree out of her shell is working much better than forcing the fact that the Hymn of One is a fake on her.
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Post by Hannahbee »

daniel's response actually reminds me of the way that one of my friends from school reacted when i got really close to somebody he'd introduced me to while simultaneously coming to realize that he and i were not at all as compatible as friends as i originally thought we were. it's obviously not a direct correlation but the point is- i'm straight, the guy was gay, and the new friend i made was another straight girl, so there was no ROMANTIC jealousy here, but the jealousy was still very intense and he was finding excuses for it just like daniel. i don't think that daniel and bree are incompatible like me and this guy, of course, but at the moment they are because of his blowups.

sorry, i'm bored and this just popped into my head... it may be totally useless information. :?
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Post by longlostposter »

OK, I'm going to stick my nose in here.

First of all, Bree is far from alright. Look at that vid again. She is like a child. The intelligence that used to behind those eyes is gone.

I think she is vulnerable, but I think Jonas is too. Jonas has made it obvious that he loves her. This is not just affection...the man is in love with her. He's as much as said so on several occasions, and if you go back to "Snow Angels" it's obvious even back then. This situation is fraught with problems. Jonas may take advantage of Bree without even seeing, or knowing, what he is doing. He sees what he hopes for...Bree reciprocating his love.

Next, is Daniel jealous? I think it's possible, but I think he sees the potential problems with the situation more clearly than Jonas does. He is also ready to kick some ass if he feels that Jonas crosses a line. I don't know what he's seen of them, but he fears that Jonas wants to get her in bed. I can't say as I blame him.

Summary: Bree and Jonas are both vulnerable right now, and could do some serious damage to each other. Jonas is not objective enough. Daniel may not be either, but he's certainly more objective than Jonas.

This is one fucked up situation. None of them are thinking clearly, and the dynamic is full of funk. Lemme outta here!
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Post by watching_watchers »

Watching now will edit when done. =]

edit- Okay so I really don't think Jonas is trying to take advantage of her. I think he just likes her so much and missed her so much that hes not paying as much attention to her actions as he should be and is just happy to have her there and wants to be hugging her and stuff. Ya know? But I really do understand where Daniel is coming from and I don't think hes jealous he didn't give me that vibe.
Last edited by watching_watchers on Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onewen »

longlostposter wrote:OK, I'm going to stick my nose in here.

First of all, Bree is far from alright. Look at that vid again. She is like a child. The intelligence that used to behind those eyes is gone.

I think she is vulnerable, but I think Jonas is too. Jonas has made it obvious that he loves her. This is not just affection...the man is in love with her. He's as much as said so on several occasions, and if you go back to "Snow Angels" it's obvious even back then. This situation is fraught with problems. Jonas may take advantage of Bree without even seeing, or knowing, what he is doing. He sees what he hopes for...Bree reciprocating his love.

Summary: Bree and Jonas are both vulnerable right now, and could do some serious damage to each other. Jonas is not objective enough. Daniel may not be either, but he's certainly more objective than Jonas.
I agree...very well said =D>

I wonder how far the Creators will take this? It is an interesting plot development...
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Post by Crooked Angel »

I loved the P Monkey part!!! I don't think Jonas is taking advantage , I just think Bree needs to feel close to someone right now and she is clinging to Jonas. ( I know that's what I would be doing :roll: ) anyway I feel sorry for Daniel I'm sure he is wondering why Bree isnt clinging to him!
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Post by tricky-ticky-tavi »

This video did not do much for me. However, I am glad that Daniel opened up a bit and talked about the stress. He looked like he might cRaCk soon if he didn't. Deal w/ that -- a humming bree, a sad wittle Jonas, an indifferent Sarah, and a postal Daniel... Not awesome.
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Post by PixieSailor »

Everything I want to say has already been said by others, and it's only page three. I need to get more original opinions.
I don't like Bree anymore. :(
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