and squeeeeeee! the screencap is p. monkey!!
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Totally agree...we've hung on long enough...get on with it already!! Nothing gross...please!Inigo wrote:Ugh Piggyback rides. Is this all we're ever gonna see out of all relationships? how about some making out or something?
I couldn't agree more with this statement.Samara wrote:Oh, Daniel's jealous alright, but not of this Bree. This isn't the Bree that he loves.
"I don't even think of Bree like that..."
That's a big, fat steaming pile of bullshit.
As far asmaking someone "trait negative" --- it can be done. For example, my blood type is O Neg, CmV Neg. Obviously, the O Neg can't be changed, but the CMV Neg can...is I'm exposed to CMV (cytomegalovirus ).
What if this trait is something that she can be exposed to?