That's what I thought at first, but I couldn't really tell. But yeah, I think that's what it is.belu214 wrote:I think she has the bird that Jonas used to make her smile. Thats cute if she brought it over becasue she likes that he was able to make her smile/happy with it and maybe wants Jonas to do it again, like a child with a toy.
0206 "Bedside Manner" 06/05/07
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- WriterGirl
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Talk about regression! That's what my 2 year old daughter does.belu214 wrote:I think she has the bird that Jonas used to make her smile. Thats cute if she brought it over becasue she likes that he was able to make her smile/happy with it and maybe wants Jonas to do it again, like a child with a toy.
Lurker!! He is my King.
I bow to no other.
You other girls better back it up! He is mine! Just ask him!!

You other girls better back it up! He is mine! Just ask him!!
Hey guys, the bird can barely fit in Jonas's hand.WriterGirl wrote:That's what I thought at first, but I couldn't really tell. But yeah, I think that's what it is.belu214 wrote:I think she has the bird that Jonas used to make her smile. Thats cute if she brought it over becasue she likes that he was able to make her smile/happy with it and maybe wants Jonas to do it again, like a child with a toy.
How could Bree hide it in hers?

I think she has nothing in her hands. Why? Because when she comes in she presses her palms into her thighs:

Oh I just mean't maybe the reason why Daniel left for his midnight stroll is because he was jealous of the fact that Jonas was getting through to Bree and wasn't.Particular wrote:I agree, I don't think Daniel cares about Bree like he used to, but there was definately a bit of jealousy there. I think he's pretty frustrated and doesn't know how to deal with it.JanaL wrote:I don't know... maybe Jonas is good for her for now. Daniel approached her in a completely wrong way. Yes he did try to get through to her, but he ended up just yelling at her which didn't help at all. And when Jonas was actually getting through to her, Daniel was like "Jonas how is tickling her going to help Deprogram her, man?" and she just went back into her staring phase. Maybe there was a hint of jealousy there? That Jonas was getting through to her and Daniel was not? Jonas mentioned in the chat that Daniel went for a midnight stroll. Maybe that's why he left.
I don't understand... why would that make him leave? To go and find Daniel or to check on Bree while Daniel is away?JanaL wrote:Jonas mentioned in the chat that Daniel went for a midnight stroll. Maybe that's why he left.
Anyone else notice the "what?, come on" reaction by Jonas when Bree pushed him away between 2:03 and 2:07? I don't think he's used to that reaction from her, just reading bewteen the lines there.
(Jonas + Bree = adorable!!!)
[as this is my 207th post, I'd just like to shout out to all of the 207 gang from Canberra in '06; stay away from those lemon trees!]
Official member of the Sarah Fan Club & the Taylor Fan Club!
Anything is possible with LonelyGirl15.
Anything is possible with LonelyGirl15.
I think you and I are the only people not in favor of DB and Sarah. It's just...she just annoys me. I mean, maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often that now it's nothing but irritating. Especially when she's sitting there sticking goldfish in Bree's mouth?? Why would you try to force-feed someone you don't know and who is clearly in a fragile mental state? I just wish she'd cut out the silly antics and try to actually help DB and Jonas, for once. Then maybe she'd be worthy of the Beast.looking4answers wrote:I loved Jonas's dance. I am finally fully in love with him. (Took long enough!!)
I also loved the ending as well. Very cute. Daniel and Sarah still make me queezy. I'm not digging it.
Also, DB giving up annoyed me too. He's been through so much with Bree - he shouldn't give up on her now, when she really needs him, just to paint some (IMO, annoying) chick's nails. Come on, Beast, she's your BFF.
Loved the hug at the end tho...that was muy muy cute.

Jonas: way too hot to be true.
When we first met Sarah, I liked her, and thought since the whole gun skit, that she had a somewhat morbid sense of humor, which I thought would be great, but you are correct in everything you say, and Im sure that is why I am finding myself liking her less and less, she seems almost like a weight on their shoulders now, more than a side-kick type person meant to well basically bring fluff to the videos and elongate them with useless crap...erolyn wrote:maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often that now it's nothing but irritating. Especially when she's sitting there sticking goldfish in Bree's mouth?? Why would you try to force-feed someone you don't know and who is clearly in a fragile mental state? I just wish she'd cut out the silly antics and try to actually help DB and Jonas, for once. Then maybe she'd be worthy of the Beast.
ahh, anyway, just re-itterating that i hope Bree loses it and snaps on Sarah, it just seems right!!!
- mindinflight
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You're definately not alone there. I'm not in favor of DB/Sarah at all. Don't get me wrong, I love solo Sarah (usually, her crazy antics make me laugh hysterically), but now that she's got Beast by the balls (pardon the colourful language) it's just become too much.erolyn wrote:I think you and I are the only people not in favor of DB and Sarah. It's just...she just annoys me. I mean, maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often that now it's nothing but irritating. Especially when she's sitting there sticking goldfish in Bree's mouth?? Why would you try to force-feed someone you don't know and who is clearly in a fragile mental state? I just wish she'd cut out the silly antics and try to actually help DB and Jonas, for once. Then maybe she'd be worthy of the Beast.looking4answers wrote:I loved Jonas's dance. I am finally fully in love with him. (Took long enough!!)
I also loved the ending as well. Very cute. Daniel and Sarah still make me queezy. I'm not digging it.
Now, not only is she not helping in the slightest, but she's compromising Daniel's role in the Bree recovery process. This budding romance needs to be put on the backburner until Bree's stable again.
--[Sign me up for the post-punk revolution.]--
Shhhhhh! I'm the OBO of the SSJF.
Shhhhhh! I'm the OBO of the SSJF.
- WriterGirl
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You're not alone. Word to your entire post. I liked her at first, when she was funny at appropriate times, and was actually helping them (like when they were looking for Jules). But now it's time to get serious, and she's not.erolyn wrote:I think you and I are the only people not in favor of DB and Sarah. It's just...she just annoys me. I mean, maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often that now it's nothing but irritating. Especially when she's sitting there sticking goldfish in Bree's mouth?? Why would you try to force-feed someone you don't know and who is clearly in a fragile mental state? I just wish she'd cut out the silly antics and try to actually help DB and Jonas, for once. Then maybe she'd be worthy of the Beast.
Also, DB giving up annoyed me too. He's been through so much with Bree - he shouldn't give up on her now, when she really needs him, just to paint some (IMO, annoying) chick's nails. Come on, Beast, she's your BFF.
Hey, there's a fanclub for the Daniel/Sarah relationship. If someone starts one against it, let me know.

Ahh... you are very observant, Impulse. Good catch.Impulse wrote:Hey guys, the bird can barely fit in Jonas's hand.
How could Bree hide it in hers?... I think she has nothing in her hands. Why? Because when she comes in she presses her palms into her thighs:
- MintyBeast
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Guys even if Sarah was not there Daniel would have still become stressed out and left the situation. Thats what people do, they have to walk away and take a break or else you will run yourself down into the ground.
Also, I didn't really get the sense that he was trying to make Bree laugh to "deprogram" her. It wasn't as if he had a plan of "go act like an idiot to get her to laugh". I just see this vid in a different way I guess.
Also, I didn't really get the sense that he was trying to make Bree laugh to "deprogram" her. It wasn't as if he had a plan of "go act like an idiot to get her to laugh". I just see this vid in a different way I guess.
I Got 52 Cards And A Trigger Aint One.
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Proud Member Of The:
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- matsie
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So I'm not a DB/Sarah fan at all. I love Sarah and she really saved the series for me, but the SarahBeast does not sit with me very well.
Daniel giving up and leaving shows how self-involved he's become. If they looked up deprogramming, Daniel should know that yelling at her and becoming confrontational is not a good tactic at all. Before you can try to tear her away from her belief in HoO, you have to gently gain her trust. If the subject doesn't trust you, they'll never believe what you say about the cult. Furthermore, saying the cult doesn't exist in the first place is a bad move as well. That would cause the subject to have an inner crisis of what reality is.
First, you take Bree out of the cult situation. Check.
Then, you establish a personal relationship. Check. (Jonas, not DB.)
THEN you talk of HoO and you give her the REAL information on the cult, not tell her it doesn't exist.
While doing this, don't let her hum or any of that stuff that brings her right back to the cult belief.
Deprogramming does not take a matter of days. In some cases it can take months. Think of it this way, if you're at all religious, how long would it take for you to completely renounce your religion? A pretty long while for me, anyway.
Sorry about the awkwardly long post, ya'll.
Daniel giving up and leaving shows how self-involved he's become. If they looked up deprogramming, Daniel should know that yelling at her and becoming confrontational is not a good tactic at all. Before you can try to tear her away from her belief in HoO, you have to gently gain her trust. If the subject doesn't trust you, they'll never believe what you say about the cult. Furthermore, saying the cult doesn't exist in the first place is a bad move as well. That would cause the subject to have an inner crisis of what reality is.
First, you take Bree out of the cult situation. Check.
Then, you establish a personal relationship. Check. (Jonas, not DB.)
THEN you talk of HoO and you give her the REAL information on the cult, not tell her it doesn't exist.
While doing this, don't let her hum or any of that stuff that brings her right back to the cult belief.
Deprogramming does not take a matter of days. In some cases it can take months. Think of it this way, if you're at all religious, how long would it take for you to completely renounce your religion? A pretty long while for me, anyway.
Sorry about the awkwardly long post, ya'll.
Faye: I would also totally kick Conor Oberst's ass just for having that ridiculous hairdo.
Marten: Is that the guy from Bright Eyes? I always confuse him with Winona Ryder.
Marten: Is that the guy from Bright Eyes? I always confuse him with Winona Ryder.
- Suspiciously Absent
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That's what I think, too; at that moment, Jonas' agenda wasn't deprogramming her or force-feeding her more of "The Order is evil!" stuff. He was just trying to get her to open up to them, and to make her laugh, which is probably part of the reason he looked a bit caught off-guard when Daniel suddenly brought it up again with, "How is this helping deprogram her?" etc.MintyBeast wrote:Guys even if Sarah was not there Daniel would have still become stressed out and left the situation. Thats what people do, they have to walk away and take a break or else you will run yourself down into the ground.
Also, I didn't really get the sense that he was trying to make Bree laugh to "deprogram" her. It wasn't as if he had a plan of "go act like an idiot to get her to laugh". I just see this vid in a different way I guess.
- matsie
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I believe they said they did some research on deprogramming, right? Well, if they had, they would have found out that you have to establish a personal relationship with the deprogrammee. Jonas was doing that by making her laugh and getting her to open up. So that would help deprogram her and DB and Jonas should have both realized that had they done and research to begin with.Visceria wrote:That's what I think, too; at that moment, Jonas' agenda wasn't deprogramming her or force-feeding her more of "The Order is evil!" stuff. He was just trying to get her to open up to them, and to make her laugh, which is probably part of the reason he looked a bit caught off-guard when Daniel suddenly brought it up again with, "How is this helping deprogram her?" etc.MintyBeast wrote:Guys even if Sarah was not there Daniel would have still become stressed out and left the situation. Thats what people do, they have to walk away and take a break or else you will run yourself down into the ground.
Also, I didn't really get the sense that he was trying to make Bree laugh to "deprogram" her. It wasn't as if he had a plan of "go act like an idiot to get her to laugh". I just see this vid in a different way I guess.
Faye: I would also totally kick Conor Oberst's ass just for having that ridiculous hairdo.
Marten: Is that the guy from Bright Eyes? I always confuse him with Winona Ryder.
Marten: Is that the guy from Bright Eyes? I always confuse him with Winona Ryder.
WriterGirl wrote:You're not alone. Word to your entire post. I liked her at first, when she was funny at appropriate times, and was actually helping them (like when they were looking for Jules). But now it's time to get serious, and she's not.erolyn wrote:I think you and I are the only people not in favor of DB and Sarah. It's just...she just annoys me. I mean, maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often that now it's nothing but irritating. Especially when she's sitting there sticking goldfish in Bree's mouth?? Why would you try to force-feed someone you don't know and who is clearly in a fragile mental state? I just wish she'd cut out the silly antics and try to actually help DB and Jonas, for once. Then maybe she'd be worthy of the Beast.
Also, DB giving up annoyed me too. He's been through so much with Bree - he shouldn't give up on her now, when she really needs him, just to paint some (IMO, annoying) chick's nails. Come on, Beast, she's your BFF.
I ordinarily agree that Sarah's complete self-absorption is often annoying. But she honestly does serve a purpose here. By being so over-the-top-indifferent to anyone's feelings or POV but her own, she can elicit a response from Bree (albeit an angry one) in a way that the other two couldn't. Let's face it, you can't just ignore someone who's poking food between your lips.
Annoying? Yes. But when Bree stopped connecting to anyone, getting *any* response from her was a step forward. And neither Jonas nor Daniel could get away with treating Bree that way. In addition, it may have primed her to being more open to Jonas' kindness. So in a twisted sort of way, I think Sarah has actually proved useful.