0053 Daniel, Be Careful... [10/17/06]

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Post by thejyav »

Hannahbee wrote: very possible. if we're assuming they're a fictional Order, seems like they work in an almost beehivelike manner. i don't know if that makes any sense to you guys... but it's like, there's secret-keepers (bald dude), helpers like lucy, etc etc- everybody has their one small job to fulfill that aids in the overall purpose of the group. question is what does that make Bree or her parents?

i guess really a lot of things other than beehives kinda work that way, but bees are just cool. i don't know if this is illumnating or not, it just came to me and is allowing me to procrastinate on my real work longer, so now you guys have it. ingore it at your leisure. :wink:
The more people have got into this religion the more the Mason's pop into my head. I'm not saying her group has anything to do with the Mason's but I think it's not far fetched that they might take pieces of the whole "Mason's secret society" while building this weird cult.

If this is true it goes along with the whole bee arguement your making. With the Mason's your average Joe mason has no clue what the higher ups truely believe and what the society is founded on. Their own writers and text admitts that they have to keep the lower masons in the dark and that only the higher ups should know the truth. I would like this to be the case as it would make things more believable. Like Bree's parents aren't knowingly putting her in harms way and so on.

BTw sorry if I end up having 8 posts in a row but I'm just making my way through the thread.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Someone mentioned that, with LG15, we haven't really had to look at things too closely. Not everything is a clue. I think we've overanalyzed everything to the point that the creators are surely astounded. That's not saying we shouldn't keep doing it, because otherwise we'll miss what's really important.

I've noticed in many of her videos her room is messy in one, neat and organized in others. Before the ceremony, it seemed like her room was getting messier, which just led me to think she was spending all her time there. I doubt the fact that her room is messy (while she's noticeably more "together" than her last video) is a clue.

My theory is that the ceremony is essentially just what Bree sorta said it would be: a relatively innocuous initiation ceremony that's bringing her into the "secret order", allowing her to see more of the truth behind it. I've thought all along that the story was going to set up so Bree would be torn between caring for Daniel and her religion. I still think that will be the main storyline, only now I'm guessing as she starts to poke around and ask questions, she's going to discover some things about her religion that make her really uncomfortable, and her and Daniel are going to have to team up to figure out what's going on and how to get out (similar to what Toaddude said).
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

What is that little light on the bottom shelf? I almost got spooked thinking she was being tape recorded.


And I think it is time to get off the lightswitch topic.

What you are looking at is this:


Not this:
(The Holy Grail)


Last edited by nobackspacebutton on Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thejyav »

Kasdeja wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:
thejyav wrote:
Small concerns I have are:

2. She didn't seem at all concerned or surprised that Lucy was still in town.
OMG you are SO right! She acted like 'so what' about the issue, like she had known Lucy was actually STAYING there..
Or maybe it's just as simple as she knew she wasn't leaving, yet. Just because she knows she's leaving...doesn't mean that she was leaving right at that moment...or maybe her plans have changed.
True but I was just pointing something out I hadn't seen talked about. There is a page of speculation about a stuffed animal on a floor I figured that someone finding out that a person who she said would be gone is still around was worth mentioning :D
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Post by Jesus »

Abt the nailpolish on her hand..i think i saw her having nail polish in her video 'My helper" so the nail polish prolly isnt a clue.. the wierd light is prolly glare..n i just noticed that purple monkey is der with his face down on the bed :D
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Post by Kasdeja »

I don't think her makeup is unusually dark...maybe a little more than the past couple videos, but nothing out of line for her in the other videos. We have seen nail polish on her desk before...I don't think it means much.
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Post by kye909 »

I enjoyed this newer video. Jessica's acting was rather impressive.

I'm not certain about the makeup and nail polish. If I am not mistaken, I think I remember noticing her wearing polish once before - it stood out to me back then because I hadn't noticed her wearing it before. And I am not sure if her makeup is really darker or if it is just the lighting. It looks like everything is darker to add to the emotions and situation of the video. The messy room is definately significant, but that light or whatever on the bottom shelf could be head phones.

Thor is on the floor and Bree does appear to be putting childish things away (losing her animals and her childish care-free facial expressions). I think the cult is putting a lot of stress and worry on Bree, and now this situation with Daniel is just adding to that.
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

thejyav wrote: The more people have got into this religion the more the Mason's pop into my head.
I hope you know free masonery is not a religion. Masonery is a so-called secret society, true, but there is really nothing secret happening in there. Everyone can access information, publications and even all the mysteries in the rituals if they want to. Saying that, I know some people will come after me with fairy tales and say that I don't know what I talking about. Yes I do know what I'm talking about. And I'm telling you the ceremony and all the stuf presented in the LG15 mystery has nothing to do with free masonery. Even pieces of it. So I don't really understand what you are refering to here. That's a dead end theory to me. Now, it's up to you to decide if you want to keep fantasizing about it and I know there will always be conspiracy theories about the "hidden truth behind masonery". Which is amazing, because there's nothing really secret and everyone can check. Anyway....

EDIT: my point was just: yes, it is far fetched to see Masonery in all that.
Last edited by DontHaveAClue on Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

Broken Kid wrote:
My theory is that the ceremony is essentially just what Bree sorta said it would be: a relatively innocuous initiation ceremony that's bringing her into the "secret order", allowing her to see more of the truth behind it. I've thought all along that the story was going to set up so Bree would be torn between caring for Daniel and her religion. I still think that will be the main storyline, only now I'm guessing as she starts to poke around and ask questions, she's going to discover some things about her religion that make her really uncomfortable, and her and Daniel are going to have to team up to figure out what's going on and how to get out (similar to what Toaddude said).
I do agree with that.
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

nobackspacebutton wrote:
What you are looking at is this:


Not this:
(The Holy Grail)
:lol: I love this post!
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Post by DontHaveAClue »

Broken Kid wrote:Someone mentioned that, with LG15, we haven't really had to look at things too closely. Not everything is a clue.
I do agree with that too...oh wait! I'm the person who mentioned it! :lol: :wink:
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Post by Broken Kid »

DontHaveAClue wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:Someone mentioned that, with LG15, we haven't really had to look at things too closely. Not everything is a clue.
I do agree with that too...oh wait! I'm the person who mentioned it! :lol: :wink:
Sorry! I knew I saw it, but I didn't want to go fishing back through 10 pages for it. At least I sorta gave credit! :D
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Post by rodrigogar »

lucy got pictures of daniel cuz either:

A) She is in love with him (she going to jail boi!)
B) She is daniel's long lost mom.

Ok, its early, am at work, and i just went thru the 11 pages of this episode. Give me a break :(.

Its cool that bree cares, but i think she does know what can happen, thats why she didnt finish her sentence. Now Let me hack into lucy's computer and see what i can get :P in order to help daniel :wink: . (now that would have been some twist, daniel being a hacker, getting the IP of lucy and trying to do a RD or some backdoor stuff).
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Post by thejyav »

DontHaveAClue wrote:
thejyav wrote: The more people have got into this religion the more the Mason's pop into my head.
I hope you know free masonery is not a religion. Masonery is a so-called secret society, true, but there is really nothing secret happening in there. Everyone can access information, publications and even all the mysteries in the rituals if they want to. Saying that, I know some people will come after me with fairy tales and say that I don't know what I talking about. Yes I do know what I'm talking about. And I'm telling you the ceremony and all the stuf presented in the LG15 mystery has nothing to do with free masonery. Even pieces of it. So I don't really understand what you are refering to here. That's a dead end theory to me. Now, it's up to you to decide if you want to keep fantasizing about it and I know there will always be conspiracy theories about the "hidden truth behind masonery". Which is amazing, because there's nothing really secret and everyone can check. Anyway....

EDIT: my point was just: yes, it is far fetched to see Masonery in all that.
I don't claim to be a Mason expert but when you break it all down I feel it is a religion of sorts but anyway I was not saying that there is a lot of mason type stuff in all this. My point was the secert society. I brought it up as an example of people part of something such as a religion (or whatever you want to call it) being kept in the dark about the groups true beliefs and only being giving enough info to keep them coming. Sorry to hit a nerve with anybody.

EDIT: BTW though that sentence was possibly poorly written you totaly took it out of context with the rest of my post. which is why I tried to readdress my real point here.

If you do not believe this all to be the case of the Mason's thats your right however I'm just pointing something out that (right or wrong) is a cliche about the Mason's that even big blockbuster movies have used as plot points....but yes lg15 is not about the Mason's so I'll end that here.
Last edited by thejyav on Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jablesgirl »

[quote="nobackspacebutton"]What is that little light on the bottom shelf? I almost got spooked thinking she was being tape recorded.


I think that the little light is a reflection off of some red headphones. Big, fat, old school style headphones.
Or a thighmaster. Whichever.
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