0053 Daniel, Be Careful... [10/17/06]

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Post by Hannahbee »

Steph1636 wrote:
Hannahbee wrote:the box that took the place of the picture is open for the first time. and i still want to know what that little thing hanging above it is. it kinda looks like a post-it note.
Maybe since she is an "adult" now after the ceremony, Lucy, or whoever, is telling her to become less dependent on her parents, so she took out the picture of her dad.

It's a little twisted, but just a thought
good thought, but i'm actually more interested in what the deal is with the box (which i didn't even completely buy as being a box until now) being suddenly open. seems like a weird thing to just randomly do if we think of this as a set and not a real girl's room. but if it were my box, i might leave it open, so it could be nothing. and also about the post-it or whatever it is, i really wanna know what it is!!! :cry: :cry: :wink:

EDIT: dumb grammar
Last edited by Hannahbee on Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Steph1636 »

Wish I could stay up and be ARG monkeys with you guys , but I have school tomorrow and need my beauty rest!

I'll be back :D !
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Post by seige56 »

Hannahbee, you got me wondering about that thing above the box... kinda looks like the lightswitch plate to me.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

The purple stood out to me....Purple Monkey, purple shirt, purple runner under Crowley shrine.[/list]
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Post by sidewalkflight »

Hannahbee wrote:wasn't there one other vid in which she was wearing nail polish? it was like right after one where there was all this speculation over what a notecard that was under a bottle of nail polish said- we never figured it out, but in the next vid she was wearing nail polish. i don't think it could mean much unless she's spiffing herself up for the REAL ceremony hehehe
Good call! I remember that suspicious nailpolish bottle.

What obscure clues... what could they possibly mean? Nailpolish and postits...
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Post by seige56 »

Oh, and did you you see the Thor-bear is on the floor? You can just make out his feet behind her.
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Post by sungurl »

Okay, so here's what I notice

* the box on the shelf is OPEN, it has been closed in the past has it not???
* Bree's room is back to being messy again - a sure sign of stress?
* Yipppee, she promised to call him. Yeaaaaaaaaa

so the big question is where is she going for a few hours....and how will Lucy react when she asks her about the pictures, etc.......

seems to me that Bree is about to learn just how powerful this special group is......and not for the better...
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Post by dianeviola »

what would the bear being on the floor imply?
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Post by Hannahbee »

*rest of post deleted for dumbness*
please excuse my weird grammar and bad spelling for the rest of the night, i'll probably be up very late tonight thatnks to Bree, cuz i'm doing this and writing a paper for tomorrow morning. so i'll be typing badly and not fixing it. deal! :wink:
Last edited by Hannahbee on Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by turkeyfeather »

seige56 wrote:Nope, no nail polish in the previous vids. So should I be suspicious of this new detail, or is it just a girly thing?

Bree also looked like she was gonna cry at any moment. Maybe she DOES have some idea of what the group is capable of...
She was wearing it in the How My Parents Met vid and My Helper.
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Post by Hannahbee »

seige56 wrote:Oh, and did you you see the Thor-bear is on the floor? You can just make out his feet behind her.
yeah i saw that too. i don't know if it's symbolically significant or if it just is showing the messy state of her room. but she does usually treat her stuffed animlas with more respect than that- she said herself they were almost real to her... lol i guess she got into a fight with thor
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Post by Way2Curious »

Hannahbee wrote:
seige56 wrote:Hannahbee, you got me wondering about that thing above the box... kinda looks like the lightswitch plate to me.
i would buy that, but it definitely wasn't there before the box got there. you can go back and check if you don't believe me. i remember a tiny mention of it on the boards that never came to anything, and then i was disappointed, and then i forgot about it, and now i finally am trying to get some people with good photo-editing skills interested, so we can see waht's up.

although, as people have been saying, this is not Cassie, and they do tend to make their clues pretty obvious, but it has been like right in our faces through the past like 3 or 4 of her videos. please excuse my weird grammar and bad spelling for the rest of the night, i'll probably be up very late tonight thatnks to Bree, cuz i'm doing this and writing a paper for tomorrow morning. so i'll be typing badly and not fixing it. deal! :wink:

I just went back to "A change in my life" and the thing on the wall has been there. It just wasn't as noticable until she took the picture (of three people) down.
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Post by Hannahbee »

Way2Curious wrote:
Hannahbee wrote:
seige56 wrote:Hannahbee, you got me wondering about that thing above the box... kinda looks like the lightswitch plate to me.
i would buy that, but it definitely wasn't there before the box got there. you can go back and check if you don't believe me. i remember a tiny mention of it on the boards that never came to anything, and then i was disappointed, and then i forgot about it, and now i finally am trying to get some people with good photo-editing skills interested, so we can see waht's up.

although, as people have been saying, this is not Cassie, and they do tend to make their clues pretty obvious, but it has been like right in our faces through the past like 3 or 4 of her videos. please excuse my weird grammar and bad spelling for the rest of the night, i'll probably be up very late tonight thatnks to Bree, cuz i'm doing this and writing a paper for tomorrow morning. so i'll be typing badly and not fixing it. deal! :wink:

I just went back to "A change in my life" and the thing on the wall has been there. It just wasn't as noticable until she took the picture (of three people) down.
oohh ur right! :oops: that's what i get for trusting my own non-photographic memory. sorry!
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Post by seige56 »

Thanks much to turkeyfeather... I'm a weenie for not going back enough vids before I get a taste of my big toe! :lol:

Hannahbee, I believe you...and I'm taking up the post-it cause! I would be very insterested to find out what that thing is...
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Post by islandlove »

Hannahbee wrote:
seige56 wrote:Hannahbee, you got me wondering about that thing above the box... kinda looks like the lightswitch plate to me.
i would buy that, but it definitely wasn't there before the box got there. you can go back and check if you don't believe me. i remember a tiny mention of it on the boards that never came to anything, and then i was disappointed, and then i forgot about it, and now i finally am trying to get some people with good photo-editing skills interested, so we can see waht's up.

although, as people have been saying, this is not Cassie, and they do tend to make their clues pretty obvious, but it has been like right in our faces through the past like 3 or 4 of her videos. please excuse my weird grammar and bad spelling for the rest of the night, i'll probably be up very late tonight thatnks to Bree, cuz i'm doing this and writing a paper for tomorrow morning. so i'll be typing badly and not fixing it. deal! :wink:
it is there before the box appears

it is visible behind the picture in House Arrest
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