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Post by sohmageek »

I'm Sohmageek, 21/m Vermont. Was kinda interested before, once it was found out that this was all just a game... that's when I got really interested. Found lonely girl just before the whole media coverage.
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Post by Jesus »

just introing myself :D I'm 17 living in sydney, into this lonelygirl15 craze cos i sw it on the news..its pretty far as i kno I'm the onli one in my area (hillsdale 2036) thats into this :D

PS: I'm testing my avatar as well :D
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Post by Flautapantera »

Jesus wrote:just introing myself :D I'm 17 living in sydney, into this lonelygirl15 craze cos i sw it on the news..its pretty far as i kno I'm the onli one in my area (hillsdale 2036) thats into this :D

PS: I'm testing my avatar as well :D
Hey, Jesus! Nice to meet you--Sydney, Australia? Ahh, I've always wanted to go to Ausralia.

Sweet avatar, too.
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
Ergo Proctor
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Post by Ergo Proctor »

Hey guys, i think most of you know me as Ergo in SL, i decided to create one of these just in case i have anything to say... and I probably won't post anything because that's just how I am. Anyway, I'm from the LA area, but I havent really gotten into the drop searches much. so yea, that should be enough
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Post by nancymakuhari »

Ergo, your handle makes me think of Ergo Proxy. *^^* Yummy for the brain!
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Post by SarawithouttheH »

You may THINK that I am new, but I'm NOT. I'm just quiet that way. :wink:

My name is Sara without the "H" hence my username. I live in a land far far away... :P

I happened upon the Lonelygirl15 phenomenon in YouTube after the released confession by it's creators so I missed out on the conspiracy theories around its origin at the beginning. I am a theology geek and love researching religion so I thought it would be fun to see if I could figure out the "clues".

I don't generally post because I rather read the posts and get some insight or just laugh at humun stupidity. Now that may sound mean but you know what I'm talking about. :twisted:

Anyways you may not know me but I love your posts 8)
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Post by rachelalexis »

SarawithouttheH wrote:You may THINK that I am new, but I'm NOT. I'm just quiet that way. :wink:

My name is Sara without the "H" hence my username. I live in a land far far away... :P
AH! Avatar. Hugeness.
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Post by SarawithouttheH »

I like to break the rules :twisted:

Post by tannhaus »

Hey Sara. Nice to meet you. Could you please please cut the avatar down? Ideally it should be 80 pixels by 80 pixels. The way it is, it's throwing our pages out of whack and making it look like we're reading a newspaper column. Thanks.
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Post by SarawithouttheH »

I like breaking the rules BUT I'm too freakin lazy to scroll to read the posts.
It is fixed. Hopefully better reading. :roll:
:cry: So sad I miss my World of Warcraft spirit healer :cry:
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Post by sororyzbl »

SarawithouttheH wrote:I like breaking the rules BUT I'm too freakin lazy to scroll to read the posts.
It is fixed. Hopefully better reading. :roll:
:cry: So sad I miss my World of Warcraft spirit healer :cry:
it gave me the spookies.

mostly because i used to play wow, and i saw that healer wayyy to many times. children are harmed in the making of cakes of light.
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Post by SarawithouttheH »

sororyzbl wrote: it gave me the spookies.

mostly because i used to play wow, and i saw that healer wayyy to many times.

HAHA :lol:

I usually play with my hubby after the kids are in bed but we are taking a break from the game until the expansion comes out. Geez I really come off as a geek :P :oops:
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Post by nancymakuhari »

sororyzbl wrote:mostly because i used to play wow, and i saw that healer wayyy to many times.
GOD do I know how u feel on that on. (Just got ganked by some ass 5 times. >:L)
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Post by nancymakuhari »

Nora Volkova wrote:Tannhaus -- another handsome man to add to our collection.
Agreed *^^* (and yay for a fellow mac user ^_~)
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Post by nancymakuhari »

demerick wrote:Suppose I should say hi. I've been lurking awhile and I've made a comment or two. I write horror (Mwahahahaha) for a living. Still a starving artist though (sorry, Stephen King isn't here...that I know of). I'm a single father of a 6yo girl. She just came home from school and handed me a paper on which she'd written the following story that had me laughing so hard I cried:

U man is chas
ing u cocky.
y is the man
chasing the

Interpretation here--->A man is chasing a cookie. Why is the man chasing the cookie?<---Highlight, although I'm sure the minds we have on here could easily interpret it without my help, but just in case...
I think I just died from a sugar overload. TOO CUTE!