God...I just watched it again to get the screenshot, and...bah, non-pg-13 thoughts. How old is she supposed to be?
Anyway, what I wanted said screenshot for:
He looks pretty fucking happy to me. I know I would be.
Lurker...we need to found something like PETPM or PMSLF (People for the Ethical Treatment of P.Monkey / P.Monkey Sexual Liberation Front). Not to mention a Sarah Defense Force.
longlostposter wrote:The "Doom and Gloom" brothers. LMAO
I'd like to take this opportunity to say, if you go to the seminar, please don't spoil. If someone wants to know, then take it to PM, please.
I know this is probably in vain, but it had to be said.
The HoO sent email invites to certain forum members to go somewhere in LA on Thursday afternoon. Creatatrons confirmed it was the real thing. We are thinking it might be the filming of a vid, maybe even the ceremony. I don't want to be spoiled about this, and I'm going to PM BK.
Oh wow, that's pretty rad. Too bad i'm not closer to LA.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Can I just reiterate how much I love Sarah?
Yep, over and over again, Loretta.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
As usual, I must be contrary. If I wanted to watch insipid teenage girls I would go over to YT and see real ones.
Bree is smart and has charm, this chick is just a cliche' of every teen rebel Movie/Made for TV drama ever written. More sloppy writing to appease the great unwashed.
frankenstein girl wrote:So Taylor called Sarah a slut for posting pictures of her with alcohol when Taylor's the one showing off her hickey on Sarah's video blog?
So I don't understand how alcohol makes Sarah a slut? I mean, I know she hooked up with the bartender, but alcohol does not a slut make . . .
Sheqinah wrote:
Did we ever figure out what TCC is? I think it is in California what ever it is. And Daniel and Jonas can figure out the blue stone part once they get the location.
Most probably Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica mountains, North of LA, in the general area where most of the older videos were shot.
I thought of that, but what would the other C be? Do you know? I live in WI, so CA landmarks, parks, etc. aren't my area of expertise.
Sheqinah wrote:
Did we ever figure out what TCC is? I think it is in California what ever it is. And Daniel and Jonas can figure out the blue stone part once they get the location.
Most probably Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica mountains, North of LA, in the general area where most of the older videos were shot.
I thought of that, but what would the other C be? Do you know? I live in WI, so CA landmarks, parks, etc. aren't my area of expertise.