The collage shows a series of specific gestures or facial expressions: blowing, smiling, looking, and pointing.
It reminds me strongly of Gemma's gestures to explain the A.P.H.I.D. acronym (acknowledge their position and help initiate a dialog) in the Awkward Silence video. We know from that that the HoO kids' education includes learning gestures associated with language. I believe Bree was playfully using these gestures to communicate something to her father. Gemma used two gestures similar to the ones we see in Bree's collage:
1 - acknowledge
2- position
If I'm right, we just need to figure out what blowing and smiling mean.
Last edited by impulse on Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Very good observations!!! I really think there is some sort of clue here.
I've been posting in the other threads that I think this collage was made recently as a clue for D/J due to the color of her hair. Her hair was dark brown before she went on the run - when her dad left the note and box. Now her hair is lighter and she is photographed against a brick wall that Apo pointed out looks similar to that of the HoO video.
i dont think the video and the photos where taken at the same time... i mean brees face is much rounder in the "new" videos... closer perhaps to the time she was filming at home... getting injections in her arm... covered by a plaster... hmmm interesting maybe???
OpIvy wrote:Could "#1 Dad" mean her real dad and she is giving a message to search for him?
Thinking about it, you might be right! Maybe Bree's Dad is using this old collage to tell her she has to look for her real father. The more I think about it, the more I like your interpretation.
Gaj eyga gaj lpsptk plp s kmqz qswr gaj wlf vmms nsaw.
OpIvy wrote:Could "#1 Dad" mean her real dad and she is giving a message to search for him?
Thinking about it, you might be right! Maybe Bree's Dad is using this old collage to tell her she has to look for her real father. The more I think about it, the more I like your interpretation.
I hope her real father is a good guy!
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!
OpIvy wrote:Could "#1 Dad" mean her real dad and she is giving a message to search for him?
Thinking about it, you might be right! Maybe Bree's Dad is using this old collage to tell her she has to look for her real father. The more I think about it, the more I like your interpretation.
I hope her real father is a good guy!
She could just be some test tube baby from Aleister Crowley's sperm.
impulse wrote:
Thinking about it, you might be right! Maybe Bree's Dad is using this old collage to tell her she has to look for her real father. The more I think about it, the more I like your interpretation.
I hope her real father is a good guy!
She could just be some test tube baby from Aleister Crowley's sperm.
EW! ha
That's what scares me! GAH!
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!