Taylor did you see bree's video?

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Post by TheEndOfDays »

BrightSilence wrote:What would be the actual effects of bluestone poisonning through a water supply? Death? Or something different. Could the order be using it to control people by infecting water with it.

Ow dear, I just read what I wrote here. Way off, ignore me ;)
Well acording to wikipedia:
Copper sulfate is harmful by inhalation or ingestion, and can cause dermatitis with prolonged exposure[6]. It is also toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long term damage in the environment.
And here's what they have to say about Dermatitis:
Dermatitis is a blanket term literally meaning "inflammation of the skin". It is usually used to refer to eczema, which is also known as Dermatitis eczema. There are several different types. Usually all of them have in common an allergic reaction to specific allergens.
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Post by TheEndOfDays »

Oh and by the way:

Since we don't know taylors full name then asuming that T is for Taylor then theres a few official options for CC

Here's what I found out:
Cabon Copy
Country Council
Cubic Centimeter
or the non likely one:
Cricket Club
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Post by Akiana »

Just a thought:


Also, I agree with all those who believe the note (thought to be a B or B flat) is what makes up for the missing B in (B)lue stone.

A couple of things I found on google and wiki:

Searched "Beneath Bluestone" :

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wylie_Isla ... _Virginia)

Searched "The Blue Stone" :

http://www.themystica.com/mystica/artic ... stone.html

Searched "beneath the blue stone" :


I know it says beneath the blue waters...but couldn't blue stone be used to mark a grave?

Searched " under blue stone" :


From the site:

So, we see that the Blue Stone was literally the Throne of God (Exodus 24: 12). And, the "Tables of The Stone" were literally taken out of God's Throne.

It is saying that the ten commandments were carved from blue stone and the throne of god was literally blue stone. Could this mean that the ceremony will take place under the rules of the religion? Under the power of the leader, or "God"?

Searched: "Beneath the stone"

http://www.amazon.com/Beneath-Stone-Mex ... 0531086852

The title refers to their village-Teotitlan del Valle, which means "Beneath the Stone in the Valley".

Then searched: "Teotitlan del Valle"


Just some tidbits to think about. ^.^
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

-R- wrote:
Misty wrote:
jbopp wrote: But the HoO meeting is happening on Thursday, yes???? The thing with the 35 people? http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10696 It's in that topic.

Sorry, I got too excited there, but I think the blue moon idea is the best one thus far.

I think this moon thing is totally bullshit. Bree obviously isn't as brainwashed as she wants the order to believe. I think she's volunteering to make these commercials and writing them herself. So she would try to make the clues obvious as she can get away with, and saying "stone" when she means "moon" is being cryptic for no reason.
I completly agree with you, Misty. Also, the stupid Bluestone Bistro deal thats in Boston, makes absolte sence, but thats the point. Bree's clues would be A LOT more complex than an image of the Boston skyline! Come on! We should dig deeper into this! There might be other messages in the besides the first word of every sentence. Then we could piece that together to se where she really is. What do you think, Taylor?
I kind of think so too. I mean, it's a cool idea, and if it were right, that would be nice. But I think it's weird that Blue Stone became Full Moon.

I've posted about the Bluestone Bistro like 8 times, and everyone ignores me. :cry: Except Misty. :)

Oh, also, I looked it up and gravestones are sometimes made of bluestone. I don't know if that's important. But maybe we're helping dig Bree out of the ground after they bury her alive. :lol:

Also, someone mentioned Saphires. Those are blue. Stones. There are other blue stones too though: my birth stone is light blue lol. Aquamarine.

Also, whoever mentioned inhalation of bluestone being dangerous for aquatic animals - that made me think of that weird thread in plot discussion about Bree being an aquatic extraterrestrial creature of some sort. Ahaha.
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Post by lotrgrl »

I just wanted to say "Great job!" to all of you guys! This is so confusing to me, and you guys seem to have a good grasp on it. Nancy Drew (and the Hardy boys for you guys out there) would be proud. (Oh, and JustAnotherLonelyGirl-aquamarine is my birthstone too!)
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Post by RoseCrowley »

Hey Taylor!
Ii Googled bluestone and found something potentially important!!....here is something else for you who think the ceremony is at stonehedge... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluestone

"Bluestone is a high quality product due to its silica content, compact nature and fine grains. It is used for patios, architectural facings, fireplaces, sills, sidewalks, and other features as well as a basic building material for churches, institutions, homes and businesses.

Many of the sidewalks in New York City were paved with Catskill and Pennsylvania bluestone. It is extremely durable and the quality of the product is not found anywhere else in the United States or Canada.

Stonehenge in 2005The bluestones at Stonehenge were placed there during the third phase of construction at Stonehenge around 2600 BC. It is assumed that there were about 80 of them originally, but this has never been proven. The stones weigh about 4 tons each. They are believed to have been brought from the Preseli Hills, about 250 miles away in Wales, either through glaciation (erratic theory) or through humans organising their transportation. Recently the archaeological find of the Boscombe Bowmen has been cited in support of the latter theory, but there is absolutely nothing, in the opinion of some geologists, to connect the finds with Wales in preference to any other European area of Palaeozoic rocks. Preseli Bluestone dolerite axe heads have been found around the Preseli Hills as well, indicating that there was a population who knew how to work with the stones (see N P Figgis Prehistoric Preseli). There is also a legend of Merlin having miraculously transported the stones himself."

Let me know if this helps? :)
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Post by crazycarebear815 »

stonehenge...and then someone had mentioned some college in caimbrige that could be tcc? Stonehenge...England...Cambrigde...Gemma, who was beleived to be in England, GEMma, bluestone sounds like it's a gem. Connections?

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Post by RoseCrowley »

exactly, and I'm going to London next week (for real) but aren't going to be any where near stonehedge...
RoseCrowley:I wish my tooth would fall out so i could trade it with the tooth fairy!

TTT:Granted, but the fairy takes your credit card instead of leaving money and gets like fifty lap dances w/ it.

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Post by crazycarebear815 »

ooh cool.

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Post by -R- »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:I've posted about the Bluestone Bistro like 8 times, and everyone ignores me
Oh trust me. People have taken note. I have seen people talking about it in a LOT of other threads.
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Post by tazman2087 »

BlogGirl14 wrote:Image
I have been trying to find figure out what the heck it said on the side of that log! Glad someone did.
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