0200 - "Be Part of Something" [05/28/07]

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Post by Lurker »

PinkRanger wrote:I just thought of something...someone's post earlier made me think of it. Someone mentioned that maybe bluestone was actually referring to the moon and that maybe "Beneath the Blue stone" meant beneath the moon. And with regards to the first clue, maybe we are supposed to help "her" on friday at night (beneath the moon). Well this made me think of the term BLUE MOON. I looked up blue moon on Wikipedia and this is what I found:

The term Blue Moon has at least four related meanings.
One modern blue moon definition is for a second, extra full moon that occurs in a calendar month.

Blue Moons occuring between 2004 and 2010, based on the Calendar and Farmers' Almanac definitions:July 31, 2004 — Second full moon in July
August 2005 — Third full moon in a season of four full moons
May, June or July 2007 — Second full moon in May, June or July, depending on time zone[2]. May 2008 — Third full moon in a season of four full moons
December 2009 — Second full moon in December
November 2010 — Third full moon in a season of four full moons

I'm not sure when the apparent, second full moon or BLUE MOON will fall in May but it would be pretty interesting if it was next friday....

Anyways, just some food for thought. Sorry if anyone has already mentioned this!
(Quoting this post in its entirety because we're moving to a new page.)

There's a full moon next Friday, June 1. Maybe it has something to do with that?
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Post by watermelonhead »

this video still doesnt beat the one where daniel's drugged up and talking like a gangster rapper in the middle of a steam room

itts alll goood
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Post by milowent »

milowent wrote:is there a "blue stone" or somthin' in boston?
there appears to be a bluestone bistro in brighton, which is right in the greator boston area. but who knows.
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Post by saralynn »

If something happens on my 21st birthday, June 1st, I will be so stoked.

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Post by PinkRanger »

Nice! Thanks, I don't have a calendar handy so I couldn't check :smt023
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Post by jumpingtadpoles »

Did anyone notice that she cut her hair?
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Post by deagol »

PinkRanger wrote:I'm not sure when the apparent, second full moon or BLUE MOON will fall in May but it would be pretty interesting if it was next friday....

Thursday May 31 - 8:17 pm (central)
Full Moon tonight. This is the second full Moon in this calendar month (in the time zones of North America), an event that's often called a Blue Moon.
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Post by saralynn »


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Post by kageyuki »

PinkRanger wrote:I'm not sure when the apparent, second full moon or BLUE MOON will fall in May but it would be pretty interesting if it was next friday....

Anyways, just some food for thought. Sorry if anyone has already mentioned this!
If there were to be a "blue moon" in May, then most likely we would be in the middle or near the end of it during the next few days.

This upcoming Friday is June 1st, so if the full moon were to appear that night, then it would be the first one for June, not the second one for May. Unfortunately, there isn't much of a chance of proving it would be in May, because the US is the last country to go through the "changing of the days".

-- As this message is written, it is 11:30pm on May 28th on the East Coast in the US, but in Australia, (the nearest country to the west) it's 1:30 in the afternoon, on May 29th! --
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Post by watermelonhead »

Did anyone notice that she cut her hair?
i noticed this too-- I also think she plucked her eyebrows (finally)
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Okay, I am loving the Blue Stone = Moon theories.

I'm also searching for a place or monument made of/called Blue Stone, but nothing in California, Texas, Or Boston/Massachussetts yet. There was a Bluestone Park in like West Virginia though. :?

Bluestone River, W. VA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluestone_River

I also found stone-blue music: www.stonebluemusic.com
I think Apo said something about it up there somewhere....

Uhmm also, Taylor specifically said Blue Stone, not Bluestone. So are we thinking they are separate words?
Last edited by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. on Mon May 28, 2007 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kageyuki »

watermelonhead wrote:
Did anyone notice that she cut her hair?
i noticed this too-- I also think she plucked her eyebrows (finally)
You mean she took a weed-whacker to them?

Maybe it was just the lighting?
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Post by MizzMandi »


June: Lover's Moon
Also known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon, the Lover's Moon brings with it energy for love, marriage, and success. Is it any wonder that in some traditions this Moon is called the Honey Moon? This is a time to nurture your garden and marvel at its beauty and abundance. If you have taken that new job, now is the time to make sure you have everything running smoothly. And you might want to keep your eyes open to see how you can move into a more desirable position.
Last edited by MizzMandi on Mon May 28, 2007 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kgurl84 »

This has probably been mentioned before but if the clue from the first letters is "beneattheluestone" and it means beneath the (beneatthe) loose stone (luestone; like the loose stone that Sarah stepped on), it was definately a hint to the boys on where to look.

This video could have easily been recorded a few days ago so by the time the Hymn of One posted the video, the hidden message doesn't really mean much now since Sarah stumbled onto the loose stone already.
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Post by PinkRanger »

Okay so I looked a bit more into the whole blue moon thing, and kage you are right...if it falls on friday june 1st then it's a different calendar month and that means it is not a blue moon.

I looked at some of the other definitions of a blue moon on Wikipedia and another Traditional definition of a blue moon is:

The older definition of blue moon is for an extra full moon that occurs in a quarter of the year, which would normally have three full moons, but sometimes has four. Oddly, it is the third full moon in a season that has four which is counted as the "extra" full moon and named blue moon.

Dividing the year into quarters would mean that the months APRIL, MAY and JUNE are one quarter (sorry to be so obvious, just trying to work things out as I write) Well, I was looking at the full moon dates for this year and they are as follows:

Full Moon dates 2007

Year Month Day Time Day of week
Jan 3 13:59 Wed
2007 Feb 2 05:47 Fri
2007 Mar 3 23:18 Sat
2007 Apr 2 17:16 Mon
2007 May 2 10:11 Wed
2007 Jun 1 01:05 Fri
2007 Jun 30 13:50 Sat

2007 Jul 30 00:48 Mon
2007 Aug 28 10:35 Tue
2007 Sep 26 19:46 Wed
2007 Oct 26 04:53 Fri
2007 Nov 24 14:31 Sat
2007 Dec 24 01:17 Mon

In the quarter of April, May and June there are FOUR full moons! And, as I stated above, the traditional definition of a blue moon states that when there are 4 full moons in a quarter of a year then the THIRD full moon is actually deemed the "blue moon". This would be FRIDAY JUNE 1ST.

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