Acronyms for TCC

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by Breeze »

Killthesmiley wrote:I really think that people should just put boston at the back of the mind. Its just photoshoped stockfootage I ahve the exact same picture on a freaking post card.
I dont think it should be overlooked, anything can be a clue as this point. It's important to take anything we have that could help us and use it to our advantage until we decide it just doesnt fit. We dont want another Maddie & Adam do we?
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Post by Killthesmiley »

Oh definately don't over look it.

what I'm saying is don't over analyze it either. That is a common problem on the boards. Mention it to Daniel and Jonas, and if they take it somewheres, then it's most definately a clue. However, if they don't, don't spend every moment on Boston, while there are more logical solutions concerning the show.

The Canyon is the most logical, because it is where, historically in the show, most of the suspicious situations took place. For example the Swimming video, and when Daniel followed them to the "Fake" Ceremony.

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Post by emerrs11 »

Tyrannous Cat Conflict

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Post by bellamax »

the chosen child? :-k
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Post by lehcarice9 »

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Post by QtheC »

HELP HER FRIDAY TCC =? Help her friday to complete the ceremony.
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Post by lehcarice9 »

but then you have to wonder why it would be abbreviated. I understand that she couldnt just keep talking forever, but I really think that there is some significance to the fact that it is TCC...

my link above shows what I think. basically, it says that I think that it stands for 'The Country Club' in boston. The symbol for the club looks really similar to what the omricron/tau combination looked like in the message that Tachyon sent bree (which was my intial inspiration). Thanks to deagol, he showed me the link and stuff. Its actually perfect.
Help her friday at TCC = The Country Club
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QtheC wrote:HELP HER FRIDAY TCC =? Help her friday to complete the ceremony.

Doh! How come I didn't see that?

Brain not on right, I guess! Good call, QtheC!
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Post by lonelycrack15 »

QtheC wrote:HELP HER FRIDAY TCC =? Help her friday to complete the ceremony.

Doh! How come I didn't see that?

Brain not on right, I guess! Good call, QtheC!
So maybe that means we may not get a new video till friday. :( But that would be a good 200th video :D
What time is it?!?!
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