Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Okay, I know the video is older and everything, but could the symbolism in that video be relevant now? In "Apology Accepted?"

Aunt Alex wore white. Except she is not expressionless, but her eyes were like a deer caught in headlights. Normally her colors were black. Nothing seemed too scriptive and she is with DB&J.

Just thought if maybe this is when she "crossed over" but The Order used her still to get to DB&J.

In a couple vids before that, "Confrontation" Alex wore black tank, with white earring and sweater.

Also, white in "Hug It Out"

Then, back to black in "The Perfect Beach"

At first, I thought the white to be symbolism to mean she was no longer a "threat" But after "Sing With Me", I just wonder?

Just my opinion, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
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white is the back

Post by modelmotion »

And in their spring line this season HoO will be mainly featuring white to symbolize serenity. Gone are the dark days of Goth black and maroon nail polish.......well except for emoSarah who has not yet got the memo. Hemlines will be a bit longer this season as the Order prepares for Hell freezing over when Bree completes the Ceremony. Accessorize with a wide bandage under your shirt for that "I'm the New Girl" look.
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Re: white is the back


modelmotion wrote:And in their spring line this season HoO will be mainly featuring white to symbolize serenity. Gone are the dark days of Goth black and maroon nail polish.......well except for emoSarah who has not yet got the memo. Hemlines will be a bit longer this season as the Order prepares for Hell freezing over when Bree completes the Ceremony. Accessorize with a wide bandage under your shirt for that "I'm the New Girl" look.
Count me out! LOL!
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Post by Ziola »

I'm thinking that the black symbolizes higher ups in the Hymn, like those in the Order. The wearing of white is for all others in the Hymn, to make them appear tranquil and peaceful.
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Ziola wrote:I'm thinking that the black symbolizes higher ups in the Hymn, like those in the Order. The wearing of white is for all others in the Hymn, to make them appear tranquil and peaceful.
You are thinking she is a member after all, and not the "girl" who owed a favor to a group of people, because she needed help when her mom died?
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Post by Ziola »

Ziola wrote:I'm thinking that the black symbolizes higher ups in the Hymn, like those in the Order. The wearing of white is for all others in the Hymn, to make them appear tranquil and peaceful.
You are thinking she is a member after all, and not the "girl" who owed a favor to a group of people, because she needed help when her mom died?
I'm thinking that she was on the cusp of moving up in their world and that perhaps this was her final test of sorts, to really see if she was loyal to the Order or not. Her waffling between the black and white says to me that she has the opportunity and the intelligence to move up but perhaps she didn't quite have the "heart" to do it, but surprised them all and completed her final task...the ultimate betrayal of the trio, which has led them where they are right now.
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Alex's wardrobe

Post by garnet »

Wasn't there a previous thread where we determined that Alex was generally lying when she wore black and telling the truth when she wore white? I took it that the video "Sing with Me" was an honest message from Alex ("Help her Friday, TCC). I will try to find the former posts.

Notably, there were a few occasions where Alex wore color -- I'm thinking in particular of the video where she talks to Daniel about the fashion industry. I think she was in pink on that occasion.
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Ziola wrote:
Ziola wrote:I'm thinking that the black symbolizes higher ups in the Hymn, like those in the Order. The wearing of white is for all others in the Hymn, to make them appear tranquil and peaceful.
You are thinking she is a member after all, and not the "girl" who owed a favor to a group of people, because she needed help when her mom died?
I'm thinking that she was on the cusp of moving up in their world and that perhaps this was her final test of sorts, to really see if she was loyal to the Order or not. Her waffling between the black and white says to me that she has the opportunity and the intelligence to move up but perhaps she didn't quite have the "heart" to do it, but surprised them all and completed her final task...the ultimate betrayal of the trio, which has led them where they are right now.

NICE, I like it. Makes a lot more sense to me now! :)
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