Is it just me, or is Jonas getting more irritable by the video? I mean, yes, Sarah was being obnoxious and whiny, and I can only imagine how frustrating this whole "Bree's-missing-and-possibly-evil-now" debacle... but still. Think maybe he's missing her just a little much more than he would of if they were "just friends"? Speculation on my part, but yet another reason why I love Jonas. He cares, soooo much.
What's with the white clothing? The Orderites, Bree, now the deacon (I'm assuming that's who that dude at the end was, but again -- speculation)? Waaay back, when Alex was still around, wasn't white a symbol of good/purity/non-threateningness (yeah, I made up that word, but w/e)? I dunno, it just seems odd to me that suddenly all of the "bad guys" are looking angelic. *shrugs*
I wanna see what's in the box!! *mumbles something about probably having to wait for the next video* I wanna... hmph. Gah, and it was so bright out there, we couldn't even see if there was a design on it, or anything. Psha. What could possibly be in it? Any ideas, people? I'm leaning towards the possibility that there are important Order documents in there that Bree's dad could have collected and stashed away before, you know, he was shot dead. Wooo, blackmail. I dunno, more speculation.
Wow, this is such a long response, especially for me, Ms. Monosyllabic Answers. OOH, last comment: do you think the little girl at the end was Julia's little sister, you know, the one she mentioned in I think her second or third vid? Maybe I'm just over-analyzing.
Okay, I'll shut up now.