Hymn of One Contact Email

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Hymn of One Contact Email

Post by Farva »

Has anyone thought to email them? Suppose somebody with a lower-esque score sent them an email asking what they can do tune themselves better to the Hymn? In fact, I think I shall.
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I did last night, but have not yet received a response!
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Post by Farva »

Greetings! I have recently seen an advertisement for the Hymn of One on youtube and so I decided to audition, yet my compatability came back a paltry 40%. I agree that I am probably out of tune with the hymn at the moment, but I really believe there's something to be said about rejecting promises of the afterlife and learning to sing harmoniously with the others in our universe. Is there any way I can get my own spiritual voice in tune with the Hymn?

Thank you,

So there's what I sent.
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Post by bubbleteagirl »

Farva wrote:but I really believe there's something to be said about rejecting promises of the afterlife and learning to sing harmoniously with the others in our universe.
That just made me giggle. And I'm in the library. Oh dear. But seriously, that's hilarious. I love it.
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Post by RoseCrowley »

mine was only 22.5% I'm so sad :evil:
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